IAG ELECTIONS in New Delhi: message from the General Secretary
Dear fellow Geomorphologists, Executives of the National Scientific Members,
Please find herewith the candidatures for the new IAG-EC and the proposal for the International and Regional Conferences of the IAG/AIG, to be elected by the IAG-Council at the occasion of the 9th International Conference on Geomorphology in New Delhi, India in November, 2017:
Name of the Candidates
President ( 1 Post)
1. Prof. Mauro Soldati
2. Prof. Xiaoping Yang
Vice Presidents (3 Posts)
1. Prof. Sunil Kumar De
2. Prof. Francisco Gutierrez
3. Prof. Susan Conway
Secretary General (1 Post)
1. Prof. Mihai Micu
Treasurer (1 Post)
1. Prof. Emmanuel Reynard
Publication Officer (1 Post)
1. Prof. Kosmas Pavlopoulos
– International Conference 2021: PORTUGAL
– Regional Conference 2019: GREECE and IRAN
Voting will take place during the Council Meetings, the agendas of which will be send in due time.
However, according to the IAG-Constitution, any member country that will not be present for a vote in person may submit its views and vote in advance by mail (deadline: October, 31, 2017). In this case that member country will be regarded as being present for the purposes of the quorum for the vote. The ballot paper will be send by email by the second week of October, 2017.
The candidatures will be presented during the First Council Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 07/11/2017 (16:30 – 19:00), the election itself will take place during the Second Council Meeting on Friday 10/11/2017 (16:30 – 19:00).
May I draw your attention on following stipulations of the IAG-Constitution:
1. “Continuous record of payment of membership fees (or presentation of a report for some countries) is necessary to acquire full voting rights”,
2. “the Council shall consist of the voting representative of each National Scientific Member or their Authorized deputy (= National Delegate)”.
Make sure you fulfill both conditions:
1. by checking your financial/report status with the Treasurer (Morgan De Dapper
IAG-Treasurer <morgan.dedapper@UGent.be>),
2. by confirming/changing/completing the attached provisional list of National Delegates and sending it not later than September 30, 2017 to the Secretary (Sunil Kumar De <desunil@yahoo.com>).
Deadlines to respect:
September 30, 2017: communication of National Delegates.
October 31, 2017: votes by mail in advance.
Looking forward to meet you in Delhi, India.
Kindest regards,
Sunil Kumar De
IAG/AIG- Secretary General