Reports by IAG Grant Holders – BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 6-9th December 2021)

The workshop attendees and organisers: Dr. Lucy Clarke, Prof. Thomas Coulthard, Prof. John Wainwright (photograph: Marin Mićunović).


Marin Mićunović and Marta Zocchi were awarded grants of 300€ each to attend the Post-Graduate Training Workshop organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG). With this grant, they stayed four days in Windsor (UK) at the Cumberland Lodge. Their full reports can be found in PDF here:

Overall, they had a very good time at the workshop. Marin’s report highlights the diversity of activities: lectures, group meeting, practical work in programming/modelling, discussions about writing & publishing papers… He also enjoyed the numerous “coffee/tea breaks or meeting in the lodge bar”, that allowed to “make new contacts, build friendships, and share ideas and plans”. Marin and Marta both emphasized the organisation, as well as the atmosphere which was “friendly”, with a “warm welcome”. Marta ends her report saying that she “highly recommend(s) this splendid experience”.