IAG Grants for the DELTA H Meeting (Ouro Preto, Brazil), 12-15 April 2022

The DELTA H 2022, a scientific meeting focused on landscape evolution, will take place in Ouro Preto (Brazil) from April 12th to 15th! Find details here: http://www.geomorph.org/2022/02/delta-h-meeting-ouro-preto-brazil-12-15-april-2022/.

To help Young Geomorphologists to attend this meeting in person, the IAG offers two grants of 500 € each to two persons that pre-registered to the meeting (excepted YG from Brazil). Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before March 2nd, 2022:

  • application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers;
  • certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement).

Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer
iaggrantoffice@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “DELTA H Meeting’”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.