19th East Eurasia International Workshop (4-8 June 2025, Kinmen, Taiwan)
The IAG is glad to give its auspices to the 19th East Eurasia International Workshop (EEIW), organised by the Department of Geography of the National Taiwan University and the International Organizing Committee of EEIW!
It will be held on 4-8 June 2025 in Kinmen (Taiwan), and the theme is: “Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia“.
The goal of the EEIW Workshop is to present recent research on Earth-surface processes in land and coastal regions and long-term environmental changes, and to promote information and knowledge exchange, collaborative research, and research networking in the East Eurasia and Western Pacific regions.
Find all details on participation on the first circular here (.pdf / .doc), including the program and the registration form. The deadline to submit an abstract is March 1st!