Report on the conference “The First 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites” (25th-28th October 2022, Zumaia, Spain)

The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), with auspices from the IAG, organised a conference to conclude the first phase of an IUGS project focused on designation of geoheritage sites of global relevance.
The event, entitled “The First 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites“, was organised by the Basque Country UNESCO Global Geopark, and was held in Zumaia (Spain). It included plenary lectures, presentation of geosites, a boat field trip and social events. Particularly, 22 geomorphological sites were designated, and 12 were presented. A special committee was set up within the IAG and chaired by Piotr Migoń. On behalf of the IAG, the committee submitted five proposals of geosites, and three of them were included in the ‘First 100’.

If you want more details on that event, find the full report by Piotr Migoń here.

CALL for GRANTS for BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop 2022 (Windsor, UK, 5-8 December 2022)

The International Association of Geomorphologists offers 2 grants of 300 (three-hundred) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) who are willing to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 5–8 December 2022). The Windsor workshop is only for PhD students who started in 2022. The Workshop is organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and recognised by the IAG.

The course will provide PhD students with elements of training for research and with an opportunity to meet others at an early stage of their training when they are facing the problems of research design etc. The content is non-technical, but provides training in project management, group work, dealing with large data sets, fieldwork, lab and numerical modelling, gaining funding as well as publication and future career development. Students will also meet a wide variety of academics and facilitators who are practicing researchers as well as the BSG postgrad representatives on the Executive.

The workshop has been running at the fantastic Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park for over 30 years – many notable researchers and academics attended and benefited from this course.

For further information on the Workshop, find the flyer here or visit the BSG website:

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files before Monday 7 November 2022:

– Application form (.pdf, .docx);
– One page CV;
– Title and brief summary of PhD research project.

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthymios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers.
e-mail: (e-mail subject: “BSG Windsor 2022“)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

IAG Highlights – 3rd issue in 2022

The IAG is happy to announce the publication of the 3rd issue of its Highlights, focusing on the third quarter of 2022! This issue is exceptionally long as it includes all the information on the International Conference on Geomorphology, the quadrennial IAG conference that took place in Coimbra (Portugal) last September!

You can also find the Highlights in .pdf here.

Contributions of Geomorphologists to the International Geodiversity Day

The IAG organises an online seminar on the Contributions of Geomorphologists to the International Geodiversity Day! It will be conducted on October 11th, from 13:30 to 15:15. You will listen to 4 speakers from various countries worldwide, who will illustrate the importance of the International Geodiversity Day with concrete examples. The last 30 minutes will be dedicated to a general discussion. Find the full flyer as a .pdf here, and as a picture below. The seminar will then be conducted via Zoom – the link will be sent by email after registration.

Call for papers – Badlands Working Group Special Issue in the Mediterranean Geosciences Reviews

The Badlands Working Group from the IAG organises a Special Issue in the Mediterranean Geosciences Reviews, entitled “The Origin, Dynamics, and Diversity of Badlands in the Mediterranean and other terrestrial environments“. This Special Issue aims at being interdisciplinary, including the  origin of badlands landscapes, erosion dynamics and rate, effects of climate, or badlands landscape evolution modelling – among others. Find the flyer in .pdf here.

You can submit your paper before 12 June 2023, using Springer Nature MEGR’s online submission platform. Find the guideline for authors here, and more information about the journal here. Note that the publication is planned for March 2024.

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – Youth Symposium “Geomorphology in Quaternary Research” (28th June – 1st July 2022, Borucino, Poland)

Group photo of the Symposium attendees (photograph from the report of Beáta Farkas).

Two PhD students, Beáta Farkas and Shashi Shekhar Shukla, were awarded IAG grants of 300€ each to attend the Youth Symposium “Geomorphology in Quaternary Research”,  held in Borucino (Poland). This event, supported by the IAG, was organised by the INQUA Peribaltic Group (PWG) and the Polish Association of Geomorphologists. Find the reports of the two awardees here:

Both emphasize the programme of the Symposium, which included several workshops and field trips. They also  praise the “breathtaking” beauty of the Symposium venue: Kashubian Lakeland. Attendees also had to present their research subjects, which was “very useful for everyone” according to Beáta, as they had “the opportunity to discuss every emerging question in detail”.  Shashi’s report particularly highlights that such an international event was more than welcome after the covid-19 pandemic. Overall, Beáta and Shashi describe a “wonderful experience“.

“geomorph-list” email distribution is down

Some of you might have noticed that the email distribution through “geomorph-list” has been down for some weeks. It is due to a cyberattack on the servers in June. Please be patient, we have been told that the list should be working again in a couple weeks.

We are sorry if this outage has caused any inconvenience. We realise many of you wished to advertise sessions at AGU or GSA and other upcoming events. In the meantime, if you want to reach the geomorphology community, please use our twitter and facebook channels.

ICG 2022 – registration deadline and information

The IAG reminds that the deadline to register to the 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology is on July 31st – find the link to the conference registration platform here. Note that TAP Air Portugal offers flight discounts for participants that book and buy their tickets exclusively via TAP Air Portugal – find the details here.

For oral and poster presenters: note that the guidelines can be found here.

Publication of Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Caves

The IAG congratulates Profs. Jo De Waele (University of Bologna, Italy) and Francisco Gutiérrez (University of Zaragoza, Spain) for the recent publication of “Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Caves” with Wiley! This book provides a comprehensive review of many aspects of karst science. Purchase this book with a 20% discount until December 31st – details on the flyer here.

International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution, 4-6 July 2022, Valetta (Malta)

The Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying Group of the Department of Geosciences (University of Malta), along with the Submarine Geomorphology IAG Working Group are organising the International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution on July 4-6 2022 on the Valetta Campus, Malta. This conference covers variety of topics on seafloors through many sessions, such as Oceanography, Slope failure, Coast to shelf, Volcanic… as well as posters, a workshop on Geomorphology Mapping, and social events!

Find the booklet of the event here, and register before June 29 following this link.

IAG Grants for the VIII Argentinean Congress of Quaternary and Geomorphology (San Juan, Argentina), 19-23 September 2022

The VIII Argentinean Congress of Quaternary and Geomorphology is a scientific meeting covering various subjects in paleoclimatology, sedimentology, cryosphere, geophysics and many others! It will take place in the San Juan province in Argentina, from September 19th to 23rd 2022 – find more information here:

The IAG is happy to offer 2 grants of 500€ each to help Young Geomorphologists* from Latin America (except those based in Argentina) to attend this meeting! Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before June 15th 2022:

  • application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers;
  • certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
  • abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the conference.

Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer (e-mail subject: “IAG Grant – GEOCUAR_2022’”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

IAG Grants for the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (Coimbra, Portugal), 12-16 September 2022

The 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG 2022) is organised on 12-16 September by the IAG, the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGeom), co-organised by the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT), the Department of Geography and Tourism (University of Coimbra) and the Department of Earth Sciences (University of Coimbra), and co-sponsored by the European Geoscience Union (EGU) – find details here.

The IAG, the EGU and the French Geomorphology Group (GFG) offer respectively 15,000€, 6,000€ and 1,500€ as grants for Young Geomorphologists to attend this event in person. Note that:

  • priority will be given to Young Geomorphologists from less-favoured countries worldwide, and to applicants who intend to participate in the Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists;
  • applications from candidates who already received one or more IAG grants totaling 500€ or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible;
  • in recognition of the outstanding research carried out by the French geomorphologist Jean Tricart (1920-2003) in Latin America, Africa and Asia, one of the grant holders from these regions will be designated as the Tricart Scholar.

Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before 15th May:

  1. application form (.doc / .pdf);
  2. copy of valid passport of identity card;
  3. short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes;
  4. abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the Conference.

Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer (e-mail subject: “IAG Grant – ICG Coimbra 2022”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants, feel free to contact the IAG Training Officer.

2nd Circular of the Youth Symposium “Geomorphology in Quaternary Research”, 28th June – 1st July 2022 (Borucino, Poland)

The date approaches for the Youth Symposium “Geomorphology in Quaternary Research” – the first symposium of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group (PWG), co-organised by the Polish Association of Geomorphologists and supported by the IAG! From 28th June to 1st July, this event intended for Early Career Researchers includes oral presentations, field trips, workshops but also friendly social events. Find the second circular here.

Note that the initial location changed for Borucino (Poland) – everything else remaining unchanged.

End of registration, payment and abstract deadlines on April 30th (fees: 150 € for full-board). Register by sending an email to specifying: name/surname, affiliation and preliminary title of your presentation. Payment details, abstract formatting guide, and publishing invitations will be sent via e-mail to registered participants. Contact the organisers for further information.

Warning: the initial post is not up-to-date anymore as it mentioned the initial location of the event.

IAG statement on the situation in Ukraine – 01/04/2022

Even though we are fully aware that the isolation and exclusion of important scientific communities are detrimental to all, we cannot turn blind eye to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, continuous military operations and attacks on civilians, and run our activities unchanged claiming that science can be disassociated from politics. Therefore, following the position adopted by international organizations we are affiliated to, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the International Geographical Union (IGU), we hereby condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine and suspend institutional collaboration with the National Scientific Member from Russia until further notice. We express solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues who suffer from the atrocities associated with war, and we also sympathize with our Russian colleagues who reject the war and hope for peace. At the same time, the IAG welcomes individuals from any country at any of its events regardless of their nationality.

ICG2022 abstract deadline extended to 20th April 2022

Taking into account the uncertain situation in Europe and the rapidly evolving pandemic, it has been decided to extend the abstract deadline to 20th April for the International Conference on Geomorphology to be held in person in Coimbra, Portugal from 12-16 September 2022.

Details on the thematic sessions and conference can be found here:

We’d like to draw the attention of Early Career researchers that grants will be provided to attend the conference and the Intensive Course to be held after the conference – details coming soon on the IAG and ICG websites.

The ICG will not only be a scientific event, we will be electing the new IAG Executive Committee and voting on bids to host IAG regional and international conferences in 2022-2026. For those interested, please note that the deadline for nominations (details here) and bids (details here and here) is mid-June.

International Symposium on Geomorphology UJES 2022, 6-8 October, Kula (Turkey)

The Turkish Geomorphology Association (the IAG National Scientific Member for Turkey) organises the UJES 2022: the International Symposium on Geomorphology, under the auspices of the IAG! This event will be held from 6th to 8th October 2022, and is organised in partnership with the Geopark Municipalities Union and the Kula – Salihli Global UNESCO Geopark. The UJES 2022 will be an in-person event, in Kula (Turkey) – an exceptional Pleistocene and Holocene volcanic area. The event will cover a wide range of topics, like Volcanic Geomorphology, Glacial & Periglacial Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology, Hydromorphology, Geosite/Geoheritage… and many more!

Find the flyer of the event here. Find more information, register for the event and submit an abstract from 22nd March to 31st July on the event website:

Success of the 2nd Women in Geomorphology Workshop!

We’re proud that the 2nd Women in Geomorphology workshop was a great success with more than 150 participants from around the world (the map above shows the global distribution of participants)!

We celebrated International Women’s Day bringing to a close International Geomorphology Week by discussing geomorphological topics and the position of women in science and society. We look forward to welcoming even more of you for 8th March 2023!

Signature of the IAPG Declaration against war and authoritarianism for the affirmation of human freedom and dignity

The IAG signed and fully supports the Declaration against war and authoritarianism for the affirmation of human freedom and dignity, written by the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG). Read the full Declaration here.

Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian colleagues who are suffering from the war, and with our Russian colleagues who took a position against it. We also express our deepest feelings to our colleagues all over the world who are living similar situations in which human freedom and dignity are not respected.

DELTA H Meeting – Ouro Preto (Brazil), 12-15 April 2022

The DELTA H Meeting will take place in Ouro Preto (Brazil), from 12th to 15th April 2022! This event is designed to advance brazilian research in the wide fields of Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution, and is suited for both students and researchers. Find all the details and pre-register before 2nd March here: Find the flyer .

The meeting will be held as follows:

  • 12th: talks given by invited speakers;
  • 13th: course “Advanced Topographic Analysis” by Sean Gallen;
  • 14th & 15th: course “Numerical Modelling of Landscape Evolution” by Nicole Gasparini.

The IAG offers two grants for Young Geomorphologists to attend the meeting in person. More information here.

IAG Grants for the DELTA H Meeting (Ouro Preto, Brazil), 12-15 April 2022

The DELTA H 2022, a scientific meeting focused on landscape evolution, will take place in Ouro Preto (Brazil) from April 12th to 15th! Find details here:

To help Young Geomorphologists to attend this meeting in person, the IAG offers two grants of 500 € each to two persons that pre-registered to the meeting (excepted YG from Brazil). Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before March 2nd, 2022:

  • application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers;
  • certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement).

Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer (e-mail subject: “DELTA H Meeting’”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

International Geomorphology Week 2022: registration open!

The IAG is pleased to announce that registration is now open for all regional webinars of the International Geomorphology Week 2022 (28th February – 4th March)! Remember that anyone is welcome to attend any webinar, and that there are many other events organised under the auspices of the IAG during this week!

Find the list of the events and their programmes here, and register to regional webinars on our Eventbrite page here.

16th International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting of the German Young Geomorphologists (24-26th June 2022)

The German Young Geomorphologists are organising the 16th International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting, on 24th to 26th of June 2022! This event will be held in person, in Bad Kreuznach (Germany).

The meeting will be an opportunity for young researchers in Geomorphology (and related fields) to present their work of BSc, MSc and PhD during oral or poster sessions. The meeting will provide a forum to promote fruitful discussions with other young scientists, to solve any issue you are encountering, or simply to have feedback on your work!

In addition, a field trip will be held to learn about the geomorphological context of the surroundings of Bad Kreuznach. Keynote lectures will also be given by Prof. Dr. Wilfried Haeberli and PD Dr. Tobias Ullmann, on various topics in geomorphology. You can also register to attend the workshop on “Digital Terrain Methods” that will take place after the meeting, on 27th June.

Register by sending an email to, for a price of around 50€! Be careful as full vaccination and/or recovery certificate, as well as possible testing, is mandatory – documents will be strictly checked by the organisers. Find more information here

The International Geomorphology Week 2021 Webinars are online!

During the last International Geomorphology Week in 2021, the IAG recorded five online webinars: Australia & New Zealand, Central-Eastern Europe, Iberia, South & West Asia and Western Europe, British and Irish Isles. These recordings have just been edited and are now available on the IAG Youtube channel – see the playlist “International Geomorphology Week 2021”. You can easily find a talk you missed among the many excellent ones that made this event so successful!

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 6-9th December 2021)

The workshop attendees and organisers: Dr. Lucy Clarke, Prof. Thomas Coulthard, Prof. John Wainwright (photograph: Marin Mićunović).


Marin Mićunović and Marta Zocchi were awarded grants of 300€ each to attend the Post-Graduate Training Workshop organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG). With this grant, they stayed four days in Windsor (UK) at the Cumberland Lodge. Their full reports can be found in PDF here:

Overall, they had a very good time at the workshop. Marin’s report highlights the diversity of activities: lectures, group meeting, practical work in programming/modelling, discussions about writing & publishing papers… He also enjoyed the numerous “coffee/tea breaks or meeting in the lodge bar”, that allowed to “make new contacts, build friendships, and share ideas and plans”. Marin and Marta both emphasized the organisation, as well as the atmosphere which was “friendly”, with a “warm welcome”. Marta ends her report saying that she “highly recommend(s) this splendid experience”.

Call for Abstracts – 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 12-16 Sept 2022

The 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology will take place in Coimbra, Portugal on 12-16th September 2022 – more information here.

From now and until March 14th, 13:00 CET, you can submit an abstract to one of the 25 scientific sessions here, and get more information on how to submit your abstract by clicking here!

The scientific sessions are:

  1. General and Historic Geomorphology
  2. Methods and Techniques in Geomorphology
  3. Experimental Geomorphology
  4. Geomorphological Mapping, GIS, Remote Sensing and Modelling
  5. Forms, Processes and Landscape Change
  6. Climatic Geomorphology
  7. Mountain Geomorphology
  8. Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
  9. Tectonic and Seismic Geomorphology
  10. Fluvial Geomorphology
  11. Aeolian Geomorphology
  12. Marine and coastal geomorphology
  13. Volcanic Geomorphology
  14. Karst Geomorphology
  15. Weathering, Soils and Landforms
  16. Biogeomorphology and Wetlands
  17. Applied Geomorphology
  18. Hillslope Processes and Landforms
  19. Geomorphological Hazards and Risk Management
  20. Wildfires and Soil Erosion
  21. Sustainability in Geomorphology: Anthropocene and Urban Geomorphology
  22. Geoarchaeology
  23. Connectivity in Geomorphology
  24. Geoheritage, Cultural Geomorphology and Geotourism
  25. Planetary Geomorphology
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