The VIII Argentinean Congress of Quaternary and Geomorphology is a scientific meeting covering various subjects in paleoclimatology, sedimentology, cryosphere, geophysics and many others! It will take place in the San Juan province in Argentina, from September 19th to 23rd 2022 – find more information here: https://cacyg2022sj.com.ar.
The IAG is happy to offer 2 grants of 500€ each to help Young Geomorphologists* from Latin America (except those based in Argentina) to attend this meeting! Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before June 15th 2022:
- application form (.doc / .pdf);
- short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers;
- certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
- abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the conference.
Files should be submitted to:
Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer
iaggrantoffice@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “IAG Grant – GEOCUAR_2022’”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.
*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.