Tectonic Geomorphology Working Group



Gran Sasso Range (Central Apennines, Italy)           Photo by M. Della Seta

WG Chairs:

Giandomenico Fubelli

University of Turin (Italy)

Konstantinos Tsanakas

Harokopio University of Athens (Greece)

WG Secretary:

Andrew Howell

University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Past Chairs:

Paola Fredi (Italy)

Peter Van der Beek (France)


Introduction to WG activity

International literature testifies to the wide scientific interest on the understanding of mechanisms that drive interactions among Earth surface processes and tectonic/climate forcing, as well as their mutual feedback relationships. Therefore, considerable research has been focused on the development of tools and methods for deciphering the geomorphic evidence for the time/space interactions between climate and tectonics. The complex interaction between regional and local tectonics (regional uplift/subsidence and faulting), morpho-climatic factors, and rock types causes differences in both erosional/depositional and gravitational slope processes related to drainage evolution and slope dynamics in response to local and regional base level changes and to differential rock uplift. Such a dynamic response leaves (sometimes subtle) fingerprints on the landscape, which can testify also to the presence of hazardous phenomena, related to tectonics (e.g., earthquakes and volcanic events), gravity (landslides), and climatic events. Typically blending of geomorphological characterization and of dating (relative and absolute) is required to define geomorphic markers that are useful to constrain progressive landscape evolution, to estimate intermediate time-scale erosion and/or deposition rates, and to make geomorphology an increasingly quantitative disclipline. By characterizing geomorphic features like drainage network, hillslopes, and geomorphic markers, tectonic geomorphology focuses on the development of qualitative/quantitative tools for defining the effects of active tectonics on landscapes and for reconstructing the tectonic record through interpreting deformed landscapes. Given the rapid growth of new tools and persepctives (e.g., DEMs, geodesy, cosmogenic nuclides, analytical algorithms, numerical modeling, quantitative stratigraphy) to decipher the influence of tectonics in shaping landscapes and to define tectonic histories though landscape analysis, the IAG Tectonic Geomorphology WG was established with the following general aims:

1. methodological improvements as result of comparison and integration of different approaches and disciplines

2. promoting international cooperation, training activities, and thematic workshops.


The original proposal to establish Tectonic Geomorphology Working Group was endorsed by a number of individuals who are listed at the end of this message. However, the activity of WG is open to everyone from international Earth Sciences community. Anyone interested in getting involved, please contact the Chair of the Working Group.

Initial Organising Group

  • Paola Fredi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
  • Monique Fort (Université Paris Diderot – Paris VII, France)
  • Giandomenico Fubelli (Università di Roma TRE, Italy)
  • José Miguel Azañón Hernandez (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
  • Francisco Gutiérrez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
  • Stefano Gori (INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy)

Annual report 2023

Forthcoming activities:

  • Tectonic Geomorphology WG Webinars. Five webinars given by invited speakers, from March to July 2023, organised under the auspices of the IAG and the Hellenic Committee for Geomorphology.
    The fifth webinar, given by Professor Dr. Jonathan Griffin, is on Monday 24th July at 06:00 UTC – find the flyer here, and the agenda of the webinar series here. Register with the Eventbrite link here.

Activities 2017

  • The Tectonic Geomorphology WG,  in cooperation with the GM Division of the EGU, organized a session for the 9th IGC (http://www.icg2017.com/). Session S33: Tectonic Geomorphology (IAG-EGU Joint Session) (chairs: Prof. Peter VAN DER BEEK; Prof. Monique FORT; Dr. Marta DELLA SETA).

Activities 2016

  • The Tectonic Geomorphology WG organized a session for the 2016 General Assembly of European Geoscience Union (EGU2016). Session: Geomorphic response to active tectonics: numerical and field-based approaches (chairs: Prof. Marcello SCHIATTARELLA; Prof. Alain Demoulin; Prof. Jean BRAUN; Dr. Vivi PEDERSEN; Dr. Liran GOREN)

Activities 2015

Activities 2014

– join the WG Webinar series!



Bashir AHMAD (India)
José Miguel AZAÑON HÉRNANDEZ (Spain)
Neven BOČIĆ (Croatia)
Domenico CAPOLONGO (Italy)
Marta DELLA SETA (Italy)
Francesco DRAMIS (Italy)
Carlo ESPOSITO (Italy)
Sanja FAIVRE (Croatia/France)
Emanuela FALCUCCI (Italy)
Monique FORT (France)
Paola FREDI (Italy)
Giandomenico FUBELLI (Italy)
Anneleen GEURTS (Norway)
Ivo GIANO (Italy)
Marco GIARDINO (Italy)
Liran GOREN (Israel)
Stefano GORI (Italy)
Francisco GUTIÉRREZ (Spain)
Andrew HOWELL (New Zealand)
Efthymios KARYMBALIS (Greece)
Elvidio LUPIA PALMIERI (Italy)
Enrico MICCADEI (Italy)
Paola MOLIN (Italy)
Maria Romina ONORATO (Argentina)
Gilberto PAMBIANCHI (Italy)
Vivi PEDERSEN (Norway)
José Vicente PERÉZ PEÑA (Spain)
Tommaso PIACENTINI (Italy)
JunJie REN (China)
Adriano RIBOLINI (Italy)
Arindam SARKAR (India)
Michele SAROLI (Italy)
Marcello SCHIATTARELLA (Italy)
Nurit SHTOBER ZISU (Israel)
Francesco TROIANI (Italy)
Konstantinos TSANAKAS (Greece)
Nelly VALKANOU (Greece)