IAGGEOMHAZ Working Group
WG Chairs:
Dr. Susana Pereira (spereirageo@gmail.com)
University of Porto (Portugal)
Dr. María Carolina Villaça Gomes (mcarolvg@yahoo.com.br)
University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Past Chairs:
Irasema ALCANTARA-AYALA (Mexico),
Sunil Kumar DE (India)
Bianca VIERRA (Brazil)
Mihai MICU (Romania)
Bianca VIERRA (Brazil)
Helene Petschko (Austria)
Introduction to the IAGeomhaz Working Group activity
The significance of understanding geomorphological hazards can be clearly recognized by looking at the number of disasters associated to hazards such as volcanic activity, landsliding, flooding, earthquakes, and so forth, which take place on a daily basis worldwide. According to UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction between 2000 and 2019, there were 510,837 deaths and 3.9 billion people affected by 6.681 natural disasters.
Therefore, we identify our task as geomorphologists (1) to provide a better comprehension of the phenomena including their triggers, mechanisms and consequences, (2) to develop the most appropriate means to analyse and model scenarios of their likely occurrence and (3) to discuss our work publicly to increase the awareness of authorities and decision makers ultimately aiming at a decrease of natural hazard’s impact on society.
The IAGeomhaz Working Group was established to:
- Improve knowledge related to all types of geomorphological hazards not only in terms of processes and landforms, but also considering the impact on society.
- Implement the appropriate means to increase the awareness among other scientists, stakeholders, decision makers, planners, authorities and the general public about the role of geomorphologists in the understanding of hazards and the role of applied geomorphology in disaster prevention.
Last WG Annual Reports:
Activities 2021
Activities 2019
Activities 2018
Activities 2017
Other achievements -Geo Morphological Hazards & 4th Session of the IAG Working Group on Geomorphological Hazards (IAGEOMHAZ) Links |
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