Nomination Procedure for Elected Members of the IAG Executive Committee

During the International Conference on Geomorphology the elections for the IAG Executive Committee will be held during the IAG Council Meeting. Each IAG National Scientific Member (NSM) is invited to nominate one or more geomorphologists for the following posts:

  1. One (1) President
  2. One (1) Secretary General
  3. Three (3) Vice-Presidents
  4. One (1) Treasurer
  5. One (1) Officer

The nominations have to be sent in the form of an official notification letter, signed by the President of the respective National Scientific Member. Additionally, evidence (in the form of a letter of intent signed by the nominated person and a one page CV) must be provided  to demonstrate that each nominee would be willing to serve if elected.

The nomination letter should clearly state the name of the National Scientific Member, the name(s), affiliation(s) of the nominee(s) and to which position(s) they are being nominated. A short justification for the nomination(s) of less than 250 words should be included.

The candidate’s letter should not exceed one page and should provide an explicit statement indicating they would be willing to serve 4 years on the IAG Executive Committee in the nominated role, if elected. The candidate is expected to detail their relevant experience and what they would bring to the role if they were elected. The candidate’s CV should be one page in length and must include at least their current position, contact details and any committee experience prior to this nomination.

The nomination letters should be sent by e-mail to the IAG Secretariat ( and copied to the IAG  President (Mauro Soldati, no later than three months before the elections (deadline: 15 June 2022).

The duties of each post are as follows (see the Constitution):

PRESIDENT: The President will have the following responsibilities: legally representing the Association at public or private meetings; convening, chairing and adjourning the sessions held by the Council and the Executive Committee, as well as managing the deliberations of both; ordering payments and authorizing with his/her signature the documents, minutes and correspondence; adopting without prejudice any urgent measure required for the good of the Association or necessary for the development of its activities, which should subsequently be reported to the Executive Committee.

VICE-PRESIDENTS***: The Vice-Presidents shall replace the President in the absence of the latter, due to illness or any other cause, and shall have the same duties.

SECRETARY GENERAL: The Secretary General will be in charge of the management of the administrative work of the Association, will issue certificates, will manage the legally established books of the Association and the list of members, and will keep all documentation relevant to the running of the Association, ensuring that communications are sent regarding the appointments of members of the Executive Committee and any other decisions/actions to be registered in the legal records of the Association, as well as compliance with documentary obligations in the corresponding legal terms.

TREASURER: The Treasurer will collect and safeguard the funds of the Association and will comply with the payment orders issued by the President.

OFFICER***: The Officer will have the obligations inherent to their position as a member of the Executive Committee, as well as those arising from the duties entrusted to them by the Executive Committee.

***The Vice-Presidents and the elected Officer will have precise roles determined by the needs of the IAG, but also by the strengths/skills of the elected persons. Please see the IAG website for the roles taken on by the standing elected members, but these tasks can include: leading the IAG training programme, coordinating the IAG working groups, coordinating the publication of the IAG highlights, recruitment and relations with NSM (in particular regions or in general), coordination with the local organisers for the ICG or RCG, or communications strategy (website, social media, emails). These roles are all essential for the running of the IAG and co-opted members will be appointed to fill any role that cannot be covered by the elected members.