Following the rules governing the activity of the International Council of Scientific Unions, to which the International Association of Geomorphologists is affiliated, the membership of the IAG/AIG shall normally be by countries, through National Scientific Members. There shall be only one National Scientific Member per country. In countries where no National Scientific Member exists an individual may take part in all activities of the IAG/AIG but will not have voting rights at the Council Meeting. Countries wishing to join the IAG/AIG must submit to the Secretary documentation showing the existence of a bona fide National Scientific Member, its mailing address and the names of its officers. A National Scientific Member shall be a scientific academy, research council, scientific institution or association of such institutions. Institutions effectively representing the range of scientific activities in a definite territory may be accepted as National Members, provided they can be listed under a name that will avoid any misunderstanding about the territory represented. Membership of the IAG/AIG is subject to approval by the Council, although it may be provisionally approved by the Executive Committee if the application is received in between meetings of the Council. After approval, a National Scientific Member shall at all times keep the Secretary of the IAG/AIG informed about any changes in its address, the names of its officers and its voting representative. National Scientific Members may adhere to the IAG/AIG in one of the categories, determined by the number of geomorphologists and the economic state of its nation. Each National Scientific Member shall pay a subscription proper to its category.For any further information, please contact the Secretary General of the IAG/AIG.
Sustaining membership shall be available upon invitation, to individuals and institutions sympathetic to the purposes of the IAG/AIG and willing to be identified without vote with its programmes, specific or general.
In countries where no National Scientific Member exists an individual may take part in all activities of the IAG/AIG but will not have voting rights.
The IAG/AIG may confer Honorary Fellowship upon individuals who have served the Association or the discipline of geomorphology with particular distinction. Honorary Fellowship shall be regarded as the highest honour that the IAG/AIG can bestow.
The IAG may confer different awards to recognise sustained and outstanding service to geomorphology by an individual or organisation, in accordance with the objectives of IAG/ AIG as outlined in the constitution.