9th Badlands Working Group Workshop (online, 23 January 2025)

The IAG Badlands Working Group organises its 9th Workshop on January 23rd 2025 (14:00 – 16:00 CET)!

This Workshop will take the form of an online webinar. Three speakers will present various aspects of badlands research: gullies, badland material, and geophysics on coastal badlands are on the programme! The talks will be followed by the Badlands Working Group Meeting.

Find the detailed programme here. The connection link is provided in the document.

IAG Photo Contest – winner November 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in November 2024 is Olutoyin Fashae (Nigeria)! Find below her photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Iyake Lake – Africa’s Hanging Lake Sculpted by Nature

by Fashae Olutoyin, Nigeria

The Iyake Lake, also known as the Ado Awaye Suspended Lake in Oyo State, Nigeria, is Africa’s only recognized suspended lake and one of just two globally. Formed within a granitic inselberg, the lake is a rare natural depression that collects water, creating a permanent lake. This humid tropical geomorphosite highlights the interaction between hydrology and geomorphology, shaped by structural weaknesses in the bedrock exploited through weathering and erosion over time. Surrounded by exfoliation domes and tors, it offers insights into tropical landscape evolution. The Yoruba people revere the lake as a sacred site, believing it holds spiritual powers and fertility significance. It attracts tourists seeking cultural connection and natural beauty, alongside researchers interested in its unique geological processes. To preserve this natural wonder, sustainable tourism and conservation efforts are essential, ensuring its cultural, scientific, and aesthetic legacy endures for future generations.

IAG Photo Contest – winner October 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in October 2024 is Ronald Pöppl (Austria). Find below his photo and descriptive text.

The IAG expresses its support and deepest condolences to every Nepalese fellow who was impacted by this terrible event.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Kathmandu after the 2024 flooding and landslides

by Ronald Pöppl, Austria

End of September 2024 Nepalese capital Kathmandu was inundated by floodwaters after record-breaking monsoon rains which caused the Bagmati river to breach its banks. More than 200 people have been killed and thousands of houses damaged in the worst flooding and landslides in the Kathmandu valley in decades. This photo, taken ca. three weeks after the flood, shows the remnants and geomorphic consequences of this devastating event. Photo was taken collaboratively by Ronald Pöppl and Johannes Thomas Weidinger (Austria).

1st Workshop of the IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology (Kraków, Poland – 12-15 May 2025)

The venue of the workshop, at the University of the National Education Commission (Kraków, Poland)

The IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology organises its 1st Workshop! The overarching goal of that workshop is to bring together urban geomorphologists worldwide, which will lead to a better understanding of overall matters in ancient and modern urban geomorphology, and will help to build future collaborations.
The workshop will be held in Kraków (Poland), on 12-15 May 2025, with the general theme “Geomorphology, geodiversity and geosites in urban areas“. The programme includes plenary lectures, oral & poster sessions, training on a GIS software (dedicated to early-career researchers), as well as two field trips.

The deadline to submit abstracts is 28 February 2025. Find the third circular of the event here, and the link for early-bird registration here.

The IAG will support the participation of two young Geomorphologists via two grants – more information soon!

IAG Webinar for the International Geodiversity Day 2024

Established in 2021 by the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference, the International Geodiversity Day occurs each October 6th and aims to raise public and policy awareness of the importance of non-living nature.

To celebrate the third edition of the International Geodiversity Day, the IAG organises a webinar entitled “Geomorphological Diversity of the 2nd 100 IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) Geological Heritage Sites.” It will be conducted on October 29th (Tue), 15:00-17:00 CET. You will listen to three speakers from Canada, Italy and Poland, who will illustrate the importance of the International Geodiversity Day with concrete examples.

Find the flyer here, and register on Google Forms here. If you have problems accessing the registration form, please e-mail oguchi<at>csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp. Find more information on the International Geodiversity Day here.

IAG Video Contest – winner July-September 2024

The winner of the IAG Video Contest for the period July-September 2024 is Martin Mergili (Austria)! Find below his video and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

The rapid recession of Gepatschferner

by Martin Mergili, Austria

Gepatschferner is located in the headwaters of Kaunertal in the province of Tyrol, Austria. It represents one of Austria’s two largest glaciers, with almost the same surface area as the more famous Pasterze. Like many glaciers in the area, also Gepatschferner is in a stage of massive recession. This time lapse video visualizes the evolution of the glacier tongue from 2020 to 2023. The video is composed of individual photos taken by an automatic camera installed in front of the glacier terminus during each summer. One photo per day is used, including only those days with good weather conditions. The operating of the automatic camera is a collaborative effort of Martin Mergili and Stefan Haselberger (Austria).

IAG Photo Contest – winner September 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in September 2024 is Narangerel Serdyanjiv (Mongolia)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Senjit Khad – Denudational process of Mountain rocks in Western Mongolia

by Narangerel Serdyanjiv, Mongolia

Senjit Khad is located on the top of a high mountain with a flat surface at an altitude of 2773 meters (a.s.l) in the Erdenehairkhan Soum, Zavkhan province in Western Mongolia. This cliff tor is 10 m high, 6-8 m wide, with a unique formation like a granite door. The massif of granite rocks is widely distributed, and formed residual rocks and cliffs as a result of physical weathering and wind erosion in this place. There are beautiful natural places and sand deposits formed by erosion and denudation processes. Local people call this cliff “Heaven’s Gate”.

IAG Photo Contest – winner August 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in August 2024 is Florin Zăinescu (France)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Where River Meets Sea: 2,000 Years Growth of a Wave-Influenced Delta Lobe

by Florin Zăinescu, France

This aerial photograph showcases the Sfântu Gheorghe wave-influenced lobe of the Danube Delta which hosts the largest reed marsh expanse in the world. Over 2,000 years, the dynamic interplay between the Danube (carrying here one-third of the river’s discharge) and the Black Sea has sculpted this deltaic lobe.
Delta formation is a delicate battle between river and sea. As Danube sediments reach the coast, they encounter northern currents, winds, and waves that push them southward (top of the image), creating an asymmetric landscape. Sands gather in the north (bottom), while silts and muds form the expansive marsh plain to the south.
Barrier spits like Sacalin (thin hook, top of image) and ridges from ancient storms and waves mark this ongoing struggle. However, human impacts, such as upstream dam construction, have drastically reduced sediment supply, accelerating coastal erosion and threatening the delta’s delicate equilibrium.

IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Timișoara, Romania (16-18 September 2025)

The IAG is happy to announce its next Regional Conference on Geomorphology, which will be held in Timișoara (Romania) on September 16-18th! organised by the Romanian Association of Geomorphologists, the conference will take place in the West University of Timișoara.

The chosen theme for this event is ”Geomorphology for society: challenges and opportunities ”, aiming to stress the increasing role of geomorphology in understanding the effects of climate change and human pressures on the environment and society and to highlight the need for better and adapted channels and strategies for science communication to the general public. The overall concept of the conference is both to provide a friendly platform for worldwide specialists to disseminate their newest scientific results and to express their views, and to offer participants a memorable socio-cultural experience.

Find details on the event below, or on the Conference website: https://rcg2025.geomorphology.ro.

IMPORTANT: the abstract submission deadline was extended to 23rd February!

Field trips

Before the conference, three field trips will allow participants to explore scenic routes within the natural beauty and geomorphological diversity (from karst to volcanic and glacial and periglacial processes and landforms) of the Southern, Eastern and Western Romanian Carpathians and to encounter historical and cultural experiences related to gold mining and medieval towns in Transylvania.
After the conference, participants will explore the wonders of the geodiversity of Danube Valley and Iron Gates Gorges and the Southern Romanian Carpathians and will track the footprints of dwarf dinosaurs in Hateg UNESCO Geopark.

Intensive course

We encourage young geomorphologists and early career researchers to participate to the 4th IAG-EGU Intensive Course ”Geomorphic services for environmental change understanding: from field surveying to dynamic and systemic risks evaluation” preceding the conference. Top European researchers will provide training in experimenting and applying complementary field investigation techniques (remote sensing – optic and LiDAR UAV surveys, terrestrial laser scanning; geophysics – ERT and GPR; sampling procedures for absolute dating; sampling for dendrogeomorphology applications in avalanche-prone areas), for evaluating climate change impact in sensitive mountain environments and applying knowledge on disaster risk reduction and risk management.

The course will take place in Sinaia Research Station of the University of Bucharest, in Sinaia, Romania, with field applications in the nearby Bucegi Mountains. Participation is limited to a number of 20 applicants. In recognition of their activity, the University of Bucharest will award the participants with 2 ECTS credits.
Submit your application before 31 January, see more details about the course programme, key-note lecturers and participation fees here. Join us in Sinaia!

The IAG offers several grants for Young Geomorphologists to attend the Regional Conference on Geomorphology, and more specifically the intensive course! Find more information here.

Important dates and deadlines

  • 31st August 2024: Agreement on thematic sessions
  • 30th September 2024: Thematic sessions programme available
  • 30th September 2024: Abstract submission open (RCG and YGs Intensive Course)
  • 30th September 2024: Registration open (RCG and YGs Intensive Course)
  • 31st January 2025: Abstract submission closed – extended to 23rd February!
  • 3rd February 2025: application to IAG Young Geomorphologists grants closed
  • 24th February, 2025: notification on YGs Intensive Course acceptance
  • 3rd March 2025: notification on abstract acceptance – extended to 9th March!
  • 4th March 2025: conference early bird registration open – extended to 10th March!
  • 15th May 2025: early bird registration closed
  • 15th July 2025: regular registration closed
  • 1st August 2025: conference programme available
  • 12 – 15th September 2025: Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists (Sinaia, Romania)
  • 12 – 15th September 2025: pre-conference field trips
  • 16 – 18th September 2025: conference (Timișoara, Romania)
  • 19 – 22nd September 2025: post-conference field trip

IAG Photo Contest – winner July 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in May 2024 is Hanne Hendrickx (Germany)! Find below her photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Thunderstorm aftermath: The August 2018 debris flow event in Arolla (Wallis, Switzerland)

by Hanne Hendrickx, Germany

In this captivating photograph, taken on August 5, 2018, a debris flow event unfolded in a picturesque alpine valley. The debris flow, triggered by an hour of intense, localized evening thunderstorms, cascaded down the mountainside, reaching the valley bottom and threatening the nearby camping ground of Arolla. The sediment originates from the La Roussette rock glacier and the La Tsa morainic bastion. Notably, the cirque to the left did not contribute to any debris flow event. Mont Collon towers in the background, overseeing the dramatic alpine landscape, its snow-capped peak partially shrouded in clouds. The main river, Borgne, winds through the valley, its bed visibly saturated with sediment. On the right, one can observe the location where the Tsjijiore Nouve glacier once extended its tongue, now a silent testament to the valley’s glacial history. This image beautifully captures the dynamic landscape of this alpine region.

IAG Video Contest – winner April-June 2024

The winner of the IAG Video Contest for the period April-June 2024 is Yuichi Hayakawa (Japan)! Find below his video and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Shichimenzan Kuzure landslide

by Yuichi Hayakawa, Japan

Located in the sub-basin of the Fuji River watershed in the Southern Japanese Alps, the large landslide “Shichimenzan Kuzure” covers an area of 3.5 hectares and continues to supply a huge amount of sediment into the rivers every year. It is not clear when exactly this landslide was formed, but according to the historical documents of the Shichimenzan Keishinin Temple, it seems to have already existed at least as early as the 1600s. The Southern Japanese Alps are one of the fastest uplifting areas in Japan, with entire mountains rising more than 4 meters every 1,000 years. At the same time, it is one of the areas with the highest erosion rates in Japan. In the long term, although seemingly unchanging, the mountain landscapes are constantly evolving, and the Mt. Shichimenzan landslide is a visible manifestation of such “movement” of the mountains.

Announcement for the 11th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology (2-6 February 2026, Christchurch, New Zealand)

The IAG is delighted to announce its 11th International Conference on Geomorphology! It will take place in Christchurch, New Zealand (Ōtautahi, Aotearoa) on 2-6 February 2026!

The Conference will include scientific sessions, workshops and field trips. All details are available on the web page of the event: http://www.geomorph.org/11th-iag-international-conference-on-geomorphology-2-6-february-2026-christchurch-new-zealand/.

You can also visit the website of the event: https://www.confer.co.nz/icg2026/call-for-abstracts/
and express your interest by subscribing to the mailing list: https://confer.eventsair.com/icg2026/eoi/Site/Register.

All key dates for the event can be found below – or in pdf here.

8th Badlands Working Group Workshop (online, 16 July 2024)

The IAG Badlands Working Group organises its 8th Workshop on July 16th (14:00-16:00 CET)!

This Workshop will take the form of a webinar. Four speakers will present various aspects of badlands research, such as land use, structural control or soil erosion, in various badlands regions (e.g. Türkiye, Spain, India). The seminars will be followed by the Badlands Working Group Meeting.

Find the detailed programme here. The meeting will be held online- the link will be shared soon.

IAG Photo Contest – winner May 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in May 2024 is Furkan Karabacak (Türkiye)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Badlands – a fascinating landscape formed by multi-processes

by Furkan Karabacak, Türkiye

The Nallihan badlands area is a landscape that makes you feel like you are on another planet. It is located in an extremely arid area in the interior of the Anatolian Orogenic Plateau, Türkiye. The badlands is composed of a Paleocene-aged conglomerate, marl, clay and sandstone terrestrial series, and its morphology is characterised by steep slopes, a thin regolith layer, and high drainage density. With its fascinating forms caused by differential erosion and colors reflecting various paleo-environmental conditions, this area is also a favorite spot for geomorphology enthusiasts.

IAG Photo Contest – winner April 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in April 2024 is Jérémiah Clément (France)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Anthropic modification of a coastal landscape in response to the global warming threat

by Jérémiah Clément, France

The beach of Gouville-sur-Mer has been recently affected by an important erosion, enhanced by rising sea level (as many other coastal areas in the world). In order to protect the village’s camping site, « big bags » made of plastic geotextile and filled with sand have been placed precipitately in front of the dune crest. The purpose was to try to slow down its erosion. Unfortunately, the site was later affected by several strong storms, ripping the bags appart. The foreshore is now a mix of sand and plastic waste, and the dune crest is still receding during high tides. This site illustrate how poorly designed shoreline protection can lead to disastrous consequences.

IAG Video Contest – winner January-March 2024

The winner of the IAG Video Contest for the period January-March 2024 is Raúl Pérez López (Spain)! Find below his video and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

A volcanic bomb field

by Raúl Pérez López, Spain

During the 2021 eruption in La Palma (Canary Islands), vigorous strombolian activity unleashed volcanic bombs around the cinder cone. The impact craters on the tephra deposits bear witness to the sheer force, yet amid this chaos, a mesmerizing pattern emerges. As the strombolian jets soared to heights of 300 meters, bombs of spatter and basalt were hurled into the air, creating a dense field surrounding the cone’s crater.
Regrettably, these ephemeral volcanic formations have since succumbed to natural erosion, with the once prominent bomb field now obscured beneath layers of subsequent tephra deposits. Scientists have intervened to remove larger projectiles, while those that remained were gradually buried under layers of ash and lapilli, their shapes reshaped by relentless winds and heavy rains. Fortunately, we are left with footage capturing the spectacle.

IAG Photo Contest – winner March 2024

For this month only, we have two winners for the IAG Photo Contest in March 2024! They are Stefan Winkler (Germany) and Jana Eichel (The Netherlands)! Find below their photos and descriptive texts.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Tasman Glacier – a regional symbol for current glacier retreat

by Stefan Winkler, Germany

Tasman Glacier is the largest glacier in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, located immediately east of the Main Divide below the summit of Aoraki/Mt.Cook prominently towering in the centre of the image. The glacier is characterised by its lower tongue almost completely covered by supraglacial debris. This is typical for valley glaciers in the Southern Alps and the result of frequent denudational and gravitational processes triggered, for example, by seismic or major storm events. After several decades of mainly vertical downwasting during the middle of the 20th century, an initially supraglacial lake started to enlarge during the late 1990s causing the terminus of Tasman Glacier to retreat rapidly. This retreat by calving partly needs to be interpreted as ‘delayed’ response caused by the isolating effect of the supraglacial debris and not only the current climatic conditions. The huge and steep lateral moraines are exposed to strong paraglacial overprinting.

A glimpse into a glacial landscape of the future

by Jana Eichel, The Netherlands

Over the past two decades, Turtmann glacier (Valais, Switzerland), has been strongly retreating, revealing a glimpse into a glacial landscape of the future. A few years ago, large parts of the steep shaly bedrock in the picture were still covered by glacial ice. Now, glacial meltwater cascades down it on its way to the floodplain. On hot summer days, remaining glacier ice of the former icefall is breaking loose and can be heard crashing down the slope. Strong gullying processes dissect the steep lateral moraine during on-going paraglacial adjustment. At the gentler distal slope, however, plants are starting to colonize. Typical “greening” is substituted here by yellow coloring from prevalent Anthyllis spp. flowers. Small larch trees (Larix decidua) start to appear, further stabilizing this formerly eroding slope and turning it into a biodiverse alpine ecosystem.

Call for Grants for the IAG-DENUCHANGE-2024 Working Group Workshop (Rome, Italy, 23–26 September 2024)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) announces the offering of 2 travel grants of 450 € (four hundred and fifty Euros) to support the participation of two Young Geomorphologists* worldwide (except those based in Italy) in the IAG-DENUCHANGE-2024 Working Group Workshop (Rome, Italy, 23–26 September 2024).

The meeting will take place at the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University of Rome, followed by two days of field trips. The first day field trip is organized in the Upper Orcia Valley (southern Tuscany), which is characterized by sub-humid badland processes and landforms, while the second day field trip focuses on analysing erosional processes on a broader time scale (since the Pleistocene) and spatial scale (basin scale) at the High Tiber Valley basin. The Workshop aims to gather various Earth scientists from all around the world to contribute to a better understanding of the Earth surface systems, and to facilitate future collaboration. The program of the Workshop includes a special session dedicated to presentations (both oral and poster) by Young Geomorphologists. During the Workshop, the Young Geomorphologists will have the opportunity to meet and engage discussions with scientists from various countries, and visit cutting-edge scientific study sites.

For further information on the Workshop and early registration, please visit:

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files by Monday 15th April 2024:

  • Application form (doc/ pdf)
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including no more than 10 papers related to the Conference themes
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement)
  • Abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the Conference

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: iaggrants@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “IAG-DENUCHANGE-2024”)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants, feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers
karymba@hua.gr / anita.bernatek@uj.edu.pl

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

Call for Grants for the 1st Workshop of the IAG ‘Urban Geomorphology’ Working Group (Kraków, Poland, 3–6 September 2024)

The venue of the workshop, at the University of the National Education Commission (Kraków, Poland)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) announces the offering of 2 travel grants of 300 euros (three hundred euros) to support the participation of two Young Geomorphologist (except those based in Poland) in the 1st Workshop of the IAG Urban Geomorphology Working Group (Kraków, Poland, 3–6 September 2024). Additionally, the Workshop organizers offer a reduced registration fee of 160 euros for the IAG grant holders.

The event titled “Geomorphology, geodiversity and geosites in urban areas” is organized by the IAG Urban Geomorphology Working Group. It aims to bring together urban geomorphologists and geographers from all continents to contribute to a better understanding of ancient and modern geomorphological processes taking place in the world’s urban areas, as well as to facilitate future cooperation. The program consists of lectures that will be given by invited guests as well as presentations and posters of participants. One day will be devoted to the workshop for young geomorphologists about GIS application in urban geomorphology. Besides the scientific sessions, a field trip to Upper Silesia Region will be organized.
Link for early registration: https://forms.gle/bpeVhLs5Q81gkGgc7

Applications from candidates who have already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files by Monday 15 April 2024:

  • Application form (pdf / doc)
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including no more than 10 papers
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement)
  • Abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the event

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: iaggrants@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “Urban Geomorphology 2024”)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

IAG Photo Contest – winner February 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in February 2024 is Stéphane Jaillet (France)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Rock comets from the Patagonian karsts

by Stéphane Jaillet, France

On the western side of Chilean Patagonia (50°S), the lapiazed surfaces of the karsts of Madre de Dios Island are subject to intense dissolution. The abundance of precipitation (8,000 mm / year) favours the highest dissolution rate in the world. Since the glaciers retreated, erratic blocks have remained on the ground. They protect the underlying limestone from dissolution and wind. Behind the boulders, a ridge has been preserved. We have named these amazing forms the rock comets of limestone Patagonia.

1st Workshop of the IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology (Kraków, Poland – 3-6 September 2024)

The venue of the workshop, at the University of the National Education Commission (Kraków, Poland)

/!\ THIS EVENT WAS POSTPONED TO MAY 2025 – FIND DETAILS HERE: http://www.geomorph.org/2024/10/1st-workshop-of-the-iag-working-group-on-urban-geomorphology-krakow-poland-12-15-may-2024/

The IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology organises its 1st Workshop! The overarching goal of that workshop is to bring together urban geomorphologists worldwide, which will lead to a better understanding of overall matters in ancient and modern urban geomorphology, and will help to build future collaborations.
The workshop will be held in Kraków (Poland), on 3-6 September 2024, with the general theme “Geomorphology, geodiversity and geosites in urban areas“. The programme includes plenary lectures, oral & poster sessions, training on a GIS software (dedicated to early-career researchers), as well as two field trips.

The deadline to submit abstracts is 31st May. Find the first circular of the event here, and the link for early-bird registration here.

The IAG will support the participation of two young Geomorphologists via two grants – more information soon!

IAG Photo Contest – winner January 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in January 2024 is Roos van Wees (Belgium)! Find below her photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

The reflection of Taranaki
by Roos van Wees, Belgium

The Taranaki volcano, also known as Mount Taranaki or Egmont lies on the northern island of New Zealand. It is an active stratovolcano with a perfectly symmetrical cone. The area around the volcano is protected in a National Park attracting many hiking tourists. It forms a volcano chain with the neighbouring and older Pouakai and Kaitake volcanoes, which is visible from satellite images. This chain is a unique example of how the age of a volcano is reflected in the maturity of the geomorphology of the volcanic landscapes, with Taranaki as the young and pristine example. Its unique topography and diverse ecosystems provide insights into geological history and ecological adaptations. Taranaki is sacred to the Mãori in New Zealand featuring prominently in their myths and legends, serving as a symbol of both natural wonder and cultural identity, fostering a deep connection between science and heritage.

IAG Photo & Video Contest

The IAG launches a Photo & Video contest! Each month (for photos) and every three months (for videos), the geomorphology community will be able to submit their best photo/video related to a given theme. A Selection Committee will designate a winner at each iteration, and two Overall Winners per year – who will be granted reduced registration fees to attend one IAG conference!

Visit the Contest page to get all details: http://www.geomorph.org/iag-photo-video-contest/

Call for Grants for the Xth AIGeo Young Geomorphologists’ Day and the IIIrd IAG International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting (Venice, Italy, 1-2 March 2024)

The IAG announces the offering of 3 travel grants: one grant of 300 euros (three hundred Euros) to support the participation of one Young Geomorphologist from European Countries and two grants of 450 euros (four hundred and fifty Euros) to support the participation of two Young Geomorphologists from countries outside Europe (in both cases preference will be given to countries without Young Geomorphologists’ National Group) in the Xth AIGeo Young Geomorphologists’ Day and III IAG International Young Geomorphologists’ Meeting (Venice, Italy, 1–2 March 2024)].

The title of the event is: “Climate Change and the Role of Early-Career Geomorphologists” organized by the Italian Young Geomorphologists (IYG) Group of the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo). Its aim is to favour the scientific progress of the young researchers by stimulating the exchange among those operating in the different branches of Geomorphology. The program consists of the presentation and discussion of the scientific results obtained by young researchers while one session of the event will be the “IAG Southern Europe Webinar” during the International Geomorphology Week 2024. Besides the scientific sessions, the field trip “Living on the water towards 2100” will be organized. More info on the event may be found on the AIGeo webpage: https://www.aigeo.it/x-young-geomorphologists-day-and-iii-iag-international-young-geomorphologists-meeting-venice-1-2-march-2024/

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files by Friday 22 December 2023:

  • Application form (pdf / doc)
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including no more than 10 papers
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement).
  • Abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the event.

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers

e-mail: iaggrants@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “Venice 2024”)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. Efthymios Karymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers

IAG Webinar for the International Geodiversity Day 2023

Established in 2021 by the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference, the International Geodiversity Day occurs each October 6th, and aims at raising awareness of public and policy on the importance of non-living nature.

To celebrate the second edition of the International Geodiversity Day, the IAG organises a webinar entitled ‘Geomorphological Diversity of the IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) Geological Heritage Sites‘! It will be conducted on October 16th, 15:00-16:40 CET. You will listen to 3 speakers from various countries worldwide, who will illustrate the importance of the International Geodiversity Day with concrete examples.

Find the flyer here, and register on Eventbrite here. Find more information on the International Geodiversity Day here.

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – 3rd IAG-DENUCHANGE Working Group Workshop 2023 (Haifa, Israel, 13-16 March)

The two grant holders, Eliza Płaczkowska and Axel Cerón González

The 3rd IAG-DENUCHANGE WG Workshop took place in Haifa (Israel) on 13-16 March 2023. To help Young Geomorphologists to attend that event, the IAG offered two grants of 450€ each to Eliza Płaczkowska and Axel Cerón González (both from Kraków, Poland). Find their full reports here:

The workshop started by conferences and presentations. Both grant holders report a “friendly atmosphere“, as well as active and fruitful scientific discussions. They also very much appreciated that two complete scientific sessions were dedicated to Young Geomorphologists. Overall, this event was a “great opportunity” to present and discuss their results.
The post-conference, three-day field trip represented also an “impressive” experience. They learned about how to use archaeological remains in the study of denudation rates, and hence had the opportunity to visit Byzantine ruins, caves or tombs, as well as the Dead Sea. They also assisted, due to the rainy conditions, to a flash flood in the desert – which Eliza reports as “one of the most exciting experiences in [her] life”.

Special Issues resulting from the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology

The 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (Coimbra, Portugal), that was held in September 2022, has resulted in the preparation of 10 Special Issues coming from various scientific Sessions:

  • Session 5: Forms, Processes and Landscape Change:
    Title: Denudation under changing environment at different temporal and spatial scales
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Juan Remondo, Achim A. Beylich, Dongfeng Li, Sara Savi
  • Session 8: Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
    Title: Recent trends in glacial and periglacial geomorphology
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Barbara Woronko, Goncalo Vieira, Greg Wiles, Jorge Rabassa
  • Session 9: Tectonic and Seismic Geomorphology
    Title: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG2022)
    Journal: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
    Editors: Efthimios Karymbalis, Paola Fredi, Giandomenico Fubelli, Konstantinos Tsanakas
  • Session 9: Tectonic and Seismic Geomorphology
    Title: Tectonic Geomorphology in Different Geodynamic Contexts
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Efthimios Karymbalis, Marta Della Seta, Giandomenico Fubelli, Maria Araújo, António Gomes
  • Session 10: Fluvial Geomorphology
    Title: Fluvial geomorphology: sediment transport, river management, and extreme events at different spatial and temporal scales
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Frédéric Liébault, Vittoria Scorpio, Daniel Vazquez-Tarrio
  • Session 11: Aeolian Geomorphology
    Title: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG2022)
    Journal: Geosciences
    Editors: Ana Ramos-Pereira, Vanda de Claudino-Sales, António Campar, Abdessamad Charif, Jorge Trindade
  • Session 12: Marine and Coastal Geomorphology
    Title: Advances in Coastal Geomorphology
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Carlos Loureiro, Angela Rizzo, Stefano Furlani
  • Session 14: Karst Geomorphology
    Title: Surface-Subsurface Connectivity in Karst Geomorphology
    Journal: Geomorphology
    Editors: Mateja Ferk, Alexander Klimchouk, Luca Antonio Dimuccio, Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos
  • Session 19: Geomorphological Hazards and Risk Management
    Title: Geomorphological Hazards and Risk Management
    Journal: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
    Editors: Susana Pereira, Maria Carolina Villaça, Ana Luiza Coelho Netto
  • Session 25: Planetary Geomorphology
    Title: Planetary landscapes, landforms, and their analogues
    Journal: Earth Surface Dynamics
    Editors: Frances Butcher, Susan Conway

International Geomorphology Week 2023: programmes available and registration open!

The IAG is happy to unveil the programme of the International Geomorphology Week 2023 (1st – 7th March)! Registration for the Regional Webinars is now open and free. Remember that anyone is welcome to attend any Regional Webinar, and that other events will be conducted in the scope of the IGW2023 under the auspices of the IAG!

Find the list of the events and their programmes here, and register to regional webinars on our Eventbrite page here.

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – ICG 2022 Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists (17-20 September 2022, Guimarães, Portugal)

Attendees of the post-conference intensive course with Prof. Sílvio Rodrigues (photo from Flávio Fernandes).

The 10th International Conference on Geomorphology took place in Coimbra (Portugal) on 12-16 September 2022. The IAG, the European Geoscience Union (EGU) and the French Geomorphology Group (GFG) offered grants to 19 Young Geomorphologists totaling 22,500€, for them to attend that event, as well as the post-conference intensive course. Find a summary of the grant distribution in the table below.

Concerning the conference, all grant holders emphasized the great organisation, from the conference venue to the catering provided. They also appreciated the opportunity to discover Portugal, and especially the city of Coimbra – either through the guided trip or individually.
All grant holders reported on the high-quality of the oral presentations and posters during the whole week, as well as inspiring keynote lectures. They considered that ICG2022 was a wonderful opportunity for them to present their recent research projects, but also to learn about the novelties in each of their fields of research. The event was especially fruitful in helping to strengthen their network and build new collaborations.

The post-conference intensive course definitely left grant holders with awesome memories. Activities were diverse (lectures, practical courses, field trips) and organised in a professional environment that made this course very productive for everyone. Besides the professional point of view, they emphasized the outstanding landscapes and the friendly atmosphere among students and organisers.

Overall, the grant holders are thankful to the IAG, the EGU and the GFG for their grants, as for some of them their participation in the conference and intensive course would not have been possible otherwise. They encourage every Young Geomorphologist around the world to apply for such grants, as it opens a wide range of opportunities – both from a professional and personal points of view.

Find all the reports in .pdf here.

Report from the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology in Coimbra (Portugal)

The 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (10th ICG) was held from 12 to 16 September 2022 in Coimbra (Portugal). It comprised 25 scientific sessions (program), a post-conference intensive course designed for Young Geomorphologists (intensive course guide), and pre-, mid-, and post-conference field trips (field guides). The 10th ICG also hosted meetings of the IAG Executive Committee and the IAG General Assembly, as well as social events.

The following report (in .pdf here) was written by the Local Organising Committee:

10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology Report

1. Background leading up to the Conference

Photo 1 – Opening session of the Conference

The organisation, preparation and hosting of the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology of the IAG were affected by two large-scale international events which had a major impact on people’s ability to meet and move around: firstly, the COVID 19 pandemic, of which the aftereffects are still being felt, and more recently, the war between Russia and Ukraine. The direct constraints and uncertainties about the short-term future led to the postponement of the Conference from 2021 to 2022, as well as a successive postponement of the deadlines set for each of the preparation phases, and to a significant reduction in the number of registrations, both due to the uncertainties and insecurity in relation to the pandemic crisis and, later, due to the war, with a natural reduction in registrations of at least Ukrainian and Russian geomorphologists. These constraints meant that some logistical adjustments had to be made, particularly to pre-established deadlines. For example, the registration deadline, which should have been the end of July, but in practice registrations were accepted until the start of the Conference, with all the small upsets that this always entails.

2. The venue of the Conference

Photo 2 – The venue of the Conference – S. Francisco Convent

As the Conference was expected to attract a thousand or so participants, the Convent of St. Francis, on the left bank of the River

Mondego in the city of Coimbra, was chosen as the venue. Due to its aesthetic and functional conditions, this option turned out to be appropriate. However, the fact that a large number of rooms had to be used, which were not initially equipped for image projection and sound installation, meant that sound, image and videoconferencing services had to be subcontracted, with inevitable additional financial costs.
The somewhat peripheral location of the Convent of St. Francis, relative to the central part of the city, prompted us to offer the participants a buffet lunch for the four days of indoor work, so as to keep to the established schedules and to favour greater interaction among the participants. This option assured the fulfilment of these objectives, since the participants remained in the event space in constant interaction and the development of the work in the scheduled times was guaranteed.

3. The cooperation of the Copernicus Agency and Abreu Travel Agency

The handling of the support work for the preparation of the Conference (website, registration for the Conference and the various associated activities, much of the interaction with participants, payments and returns) was carried out by the Copernicus Agency, whose experience and high standard of quality we are pleased to highlight. However, this agency decided not to be present in Coimbra to provide organisational support and to coordinate Secretarial tasks during the event due to ongoing uncertainties related to international travel.
Under these circumstances, we requested the assistance of a reputable national Travel Agency, Agência Abreu, to help us, both in the preparation of the Field Trips and during the Conference in the management of the Secretarial tasks. The latter task was also declined, albeit belatedly, due to a lack of available staff.
These circumstances implied an increase in the tasks that had to be borne by the local organising committee, leading to a reduction in the number of people available per task. However, we must highlight the contribution of the members of the Organising Committee, accompanied by a group of students, who spared no effort to gather the best conditions for the realisation of the event and its related activities.

4. Scientific Planning – Thematic sessions

Photo 3 – Aspect of one of the parallel sessions

The agenda of the Conference was structured in 25 thematic sessions, which stemmed from proposals of the Organising Committee and from the interaction with the members of the IAG EC, with its Working Groups and with the conveners invited to organise the work of the sessions.
Of these thematic sessions, only Session 4 – Experimental Geomorphology failed to receive proposals for presentation of work in the form of oral or poster presentations. All others were sought after by geomorphologists for presentation of their work, although not to the same level (see figure 1). Among the most sought-after sessions were:

  1. ICG2022-10 – Fluvial Geomorphology
  2. ICG2022-24 – Geoheritage, Cultural Geomorphology and Geotourism
  3. ICG2022-19 – Geomorphological Hazards and Risk Management
  4. ICG2022-8 – Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
  5. ICG2022-12 – Marine and Coastal Geomorphology

Fig. 1 – Distribution of the registered works by thematic sessions

For various reasons, some of the conveners were unable to travel to Coimbra, so it was necessary to find someone among the participants to replace them in the daily conduct of the thematic sessions. Invitations were sent out so that each thematic session would always have at least two chairs running the presentations.

5. Number of participants and their origin

Fig. 2 – Distribution of participants by country

Photo 4 – Conference attendees during a coffee break

According to the Copernicus Agency’s latest records (30 September 2022), 560 participants from 46 countries around the world registered for the Conference (see figure 2). Besides proximity issues, the travel difficulties experienced by potential participants originating from outside Europe help to explain the fact that European countries had a more significant representation. However, areas of the globe such as Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia were also well represented.
In any case, of the 560 geomorphologists registered, 537 were in Coimbra, which represents about 96% of the registrations made, a value that we consider quite good in view of the travel constraints (including some last-minute ones, such as the granting of visas) that the international circumstances at the time imposed.

6. Oral and poster presentations

Based on the approved abstracts, it was expected, according to the registration list, 665 works (422 oral presentations and 243 poster presentations). Since it is impossible to verify exactly the number of works actually presented, we estimate a figure of around 380 oral presentations and 215 poster presentations, which corresponds to a total of 595 works. The impression gathered from conversations with different participants and with some of the conveners was that the majority of the works presented showed high scientific quality, as well as a high degree of theoretical and methodological innovation.

Photo 5 & 6 – A view of the audience of one of the parallel sessions (left) and Poster presentations (right)

7. Field trips

Photo 7 – Field trip to Serra da Estrela

Field trips are, as a rule, one of the most sought-after activities in Geomorphology scientific events and this 10th International Conference would not be an exception! However, the uncertain conditions also weighed on the registration of the participants. Therefore, the lack or reduced number of registrations for some of the pre- and post-conference field trips, registered in July 2022, led to their cancellation, considering the expenses involved and the time needed for their preparation (guidebooks, buses, accommodation, meals). Still, at the time of the Conference 8 field trips were scheduled and available (1 pre-Conference, 4 on Wednesday during the Conference week and 3 post-Conference). Unfortunately, due to problems related to weather and safety conditions, we had to cancel at the last moment the one-day trip to Serra da Estrela (14 September 2022). The blocking of roads, the isolation of some villages and the forecast of more storms, led us, for safety reasons, to take this decision…
The pre-Conference trip to Cape Verde and one of the post-Conference trips took place with a small number of participants (only 9). The 3 trips on Wednesday had about 50 participants each and the other two post-Conference trips had more than 22 participants. According to the feedback collected, the trips were very interesting at the scientific level, highlighting the best Portuguese Geomorphology.

8. The Intensive Course for young researchers

Photo 8 – Intensive Course held at the University of Minho

An intensive course for young researchers, held at the University of Minho in Guimarães, was seamlessly integrated in the Conference activities. It consisted of integrated training activities, with lectures, fieldwork and laboratory work.
The ICG 2022 IAG-EGU intensive course for young geomorphologists was dedicated to the topic “Geomorphological changes in landscapes affected by fire: field and laboratory techniques for soil erosion analysis”. The intensive course was aimed at early career reserchers (ECR) and was attended by 22 young researchers from different countries such as Iran, India, Brazil, Costa Rica, Russia, Poland, Croatia, Italy, Canada, Republic of Korea, Israel and Slovenia (for various reasons, 3 of those enrolled could not, at the last minute, attend).
The intensive course provided training for ECRs in field surveying and soil erosion investigation in fire-affected areas, coupled with laboratory techniques (soil analysis) and with the implementation of geospatial technologies (GIS and Remote Sensing).
This event was part of the IAG training programme and provided an extraordinary opportunity for early career scientists, and especially for those from less favoured countries, to increase their knowledge in Geomorphology and soil erosion related to forest fires and to network with experienced scientists in an international but informal setting.
The event was organised in collaboration with the Geomorphology Division of the EGU, on the basis of the memorandum of understanding signed between the latter and the IAG. It was also supported by Comland – Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification, by the International Geographical Union, and by the Group Français de Geomorphologie (GFG).
The intensive course was given by specialised geomorphologists with different backgrounds (Portugal, Brazil, Spain and Israel) who delivered lectures on specific topics during the first day. The second and third days of the course were dedicated to fieldwork, where the participants could come into contact with areas affected by forest fires, and it was possible to observe and analyse several examples of soil erosion and gully development in areas affected by fire, allowing the discussion of topics covered in the lectures of the first day. The fourth and last day of the course was dedicated to laboratory work. During the morning, different soil analysis techniques were presented, explained and discussed with the participants. In the afternoon, the focus was on the implementation of geospatial technologies (GIS and RS), developing soil erosion modelling exercises with GIS and RS and the use of UAV for soil erosion monitoring and modelling.

9. Opportunity to publish the work presented

The main goal of an International Conference is the presentation and discussion of research work. This presentation is made, directly, at the time of the Conference, for those who participate in it, and is then reproduced, consolidated and disseminated to the scientific community via publications with international reach in highly reputable journals of great scientific merit. To accomplish this goal, the conveners of the different thematic sessions were encouraged to seek the publication of Special Issues in indexed journals whose content matched the theme of the papers in each session.
According to the available information, 15 collaborations of this type have been or are being negotiated, 9 of which have already been formalised: Geomorphology (Forms, Processes and Landscape Change); Geomorphologie: Reliefs, processus, environnement (Climatic Geomorphology); Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Geomorphology (Tectonic and Seismic Geomorphology); Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Global and Planetary Change (Fluvial Geomorphology); Geosciences (Aeolian Geomorphology); Geomorphology (Karst Geomorphology ); Earth Surface Dynamics (Planetary Geomorphology).
Also, a volume of the extended abstracts (up to 6 pages) with peer review is planned to be published in the ASTI Book Series (SPRINGER). There will be no charge to the authors. The proposal is already submitted, and the Conference Organising Committee is waiting for a positive feedback from Springer to start the abstract submission and review process.
These publications are expected to bring more visibility and deserved international scientific projection to the works presented at the Conference.

10. Social engagement

Photo 9 & 10 – A view of the social dinner (left) and Student performance for the participants (right)

As previously mentioned, the conditions and location of the Convent of St. Francis, within the city, made it possible to keep the participants together in the building during the proceedings. A set of social activities was prepared which included, in addition to lunches, coffee breaks, welcome drinks at the end of the first two days’ work and a social dinner on Thursday evening. The traditional music of Coimbra, which is closely linked to its student life, was provided thanks to a student music group (Estudantina), which played at the welcome drink, and a group of fados from Coimbra, which entertained us during the social dinner. We hope that the participants in the conference took a bit of Coimbra and its culture back home with them.

11. Summary and acknowledgements

In addition to the scientific sessions, namely the presentation of oral communications and posters, tributes were paid during the Conference (IAG Honorary Fellows: Dénes Lóczy (Hungary), Ana Luiza Coelho Netto (Brazil), Monique Fort (France), Antonio Cendrero Uceda (Spain), Adrian Harvey (UK) and Mike J. Kirkby (UK)), awarded (Brunsden Medal – Ghislain Zangmo Tefogoum (Cameroon) and Early Career Medal – Irene Maria Bollati (Italy) and Anita Bernatek-Jakiel (Poland)) and grants awarded for young researchers, particularly those from less developed countries to participate in the intensive course of the Conference (21 grants were awarded and the Jean Tricart Prize was awarded to the young geomorphologist Narges Kariminejad (Iran)). Elections were also held for the Executive Committee of the IAG, among many other activities that are part of the life of an International Association with the dimension and the prestige of the IAG.
The IAG 10th International Conference on Geomorphology has come to an end and our balance is very positive regarding the results achieved, both at the level of scientific debate and at the level of hosting and welcoming conditions we were able to provide to the 535 colleagues coming from 46 different countries. Thus, even though we are aware that not everything was perfect, and that we did everything to overcome the small problems that arose, we believe that the goal of organising and experiencing together a “Quality Conference” was achieved!

Table 1 – Key data from the Conference

In addition to the organisation of the scientific sessions (see Table 1) and the logistical support necessary for their operation, tributes were made, prizes were awarded, an intensive course was conducted, and elections were held, among many other activities that are part of the life of an International Association of the size and prestige of the IAG. We tried to help, we always collaborated, and again we think that our task was fully accomplished!

Holding a Conference of this magnitude and responsibility naturally requires teamwork, cooperation and institutional support, as well as much effort, organisation and commitment.

Photo 11 – A part of the Secretariat

As the (“local”) Organising Committee, we must highlight and thank the collaboration of the IAG Executive Committee. Not just the absolute competence of our “liaison person”, the always attentive, helpful and diligent Susan Conway, but also all the comments, suggestions and support we received, frequently, from our President and other members of the EC. Despite the small disagreements that, in our opinion, were always well settled, we had, at all moments of this complex process, the certainty and comfort of knowing that we stood together, on the same path and moving in the same direction. Therefore, many thanks to the IAG for the trust it placed in us, for its critical support and for always having been present.
We also benefited from the institutional support of the Coimbra City Council, through its vice-president, Dr. Francisco Veiga, and of the staff of the Convent of St. Francis, namely the architect Paulo Silva, who was committed, patient and generous in his support at all times.
Naturally, we were also provided with important institutional support from the University of Coimbra, its Faculty of Arts, the Department of Geography and Tourism and the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT). It is an honour to work at this University and to know that we can always count on its support!

Other forms of support must also be mentioned and thanked, namely that of the Copernicus Agency, for the efficient and intelligent way in which it was able to solve or point out to us the solutions to many small things that, in terms of organisation, are always arising. We would also like to thank the Social Services of the University of Coimbra for the efficiency and quality of the services provided, to “Licor Beirão” for the evening entertainment and to the musicians who brought to the Conference a bit of the culture of our city and our University. To all, thank you very much for your generosity!

We would also like to express our warmest thanks to the students who took on Secretarial duties, and who were unfailing in attending to and resolving all types of questions posed by the participants.

Lastly, our gratitude goes to the keynote speakers, Monique Fort and José Luís Zêzere for the excellence of their knowledge and for their generosity in sharing it with us in the two lectures they brought us, to the conveners who had the difficult task of managing the thematic sessions and to those responsible for the intensive course and the field trips… Without your work, without your support, the Conference would not have been possible…

In conclusion, many thanks to all of you who participated in the 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, for granting us the privilege of your presence in Coimbra.

The Local Organising Committee

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