CALL for GRANTS for the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists Conference (Oudtshoorn, South Africa, 15-18 July 2025)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) announces the offering of 2 travel grants of 300 € (three hundred Euros) to support the participation of two Young Geomorphologists* from African countries (excluding South Africa) in the Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists (SAAG). The conference will be held at the Klleinpaas Resort, near Oudtshoorn, located in the Western Cape of South Africa on 15-18 July 2025. A field excursion will take place in and around Oudtshoorn on 15 July and will include dedicated hands-on demonstration for Young Geomorphologists.

The two Young Geomorphologists will be paired with senior researchers to assist in chairing a session. They will also contribute to the final program creation (selection of abstract, division of abstracts into themes, communication with speakers, logistical help on the day). This is specifically aimed at enhancing their conference participation and organizing skills. Additionally, the two successful applicants will be granted a reduction in registration fees.

For further information on the SAAG 2025 Conference, please visit:

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totaling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 24 March 2025:

  • Application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes;
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
  • Abstract submitted to the Conference.

Criteria to be proved by the CV and abstract submitted to the event:

  1. Scientific content based on the abstract (relevance to the conference, scientific value, clarity in terms of English and structure);
  2. Academic activities based on the CV (dissemination of scientific results, e.g., publications, conferences, additional community activities such as event organisation, editorial activities, outreach, etc.).

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers

e-mail: (e-mail subject: “SAAG 2025 )

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. EfthimiosKarymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers /

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

19th East Eurasia International Workshop (4-8 June 2025, Kinmen, Taiwan)

The IAG is glad to give its auspices to the 19th East Eurasia International Workshop (EEIW), organised by the Department of Geography of the National Taiwan University and the International Organizing Committee of EEIW!

It will be held on 4-8 June 2025 in Kinmen (Taiwan), and the theme is: “Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia“.

The goal of the EEIW Workshop is to present recent research on Earth-surface processes in land and coastal regions and long-term environmental changes, and to promote information and knowledge exchange, collaborative research, and research networking in the East Eurasia and Western Pacific regions.

Find all details on participation on the first circular here (.pdf / .doc), including the program and the registration form. The deadline to submit an abstract is March 1st!

ProGEO SW Europe Regional Working Group – 2nd Virtual Conference on Geoconservation (27-29 March 2025)

The IAG is happy to give its auspices to the 2nd Virtual Conference on Geoconservation, organised by the ProGEO Southwest Europe Regional Working Group!

It will be held on 27-29 March 2025, with the theme: “Best practices for geoheritage protection and sustainable promotion in SW Europe“.

The program includes two days of scientific sessions, and one day of workshop on the creation of virtual models of geoheritage sites.

The event will be host fully online, and is open to everyone (not only ProGEO members). To register, fill in the form HERE.
Submit an abstract for an oral presentation before 28 February at:

Find all details on the event on the first circular (in PDF) here.

9th Badlands Working Group Workshop (online, 23 January 2025)

The IAG Badlands Working Group organises its 9th Workshop on January 23rd 2025 (14:00 – 16:00 CET)!

This Workshop will take the form of an online webinar. Three speakers will present various aspects of badlands research: gullies, badland material, and geophysics on coastal badlands are on the programme! The talks will be followed by the Badlands Working Group Meeting.

Find the detailed programme here. The connection link is provided in the document.

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 2-5 December 2024)

The workshop attendees and tutors (photo from the report of Magdalena Koschmieder)

Ayse Nur Karayel and Magdalena Koschmieder were awarded grants of 300€ each to attend the Post-Graduate Training Workshop organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) – and more specifically by Dr. Lucy Clark and Prof. John Wainwright. This grant allowed them to stay four days at the Cumberland Lodge (Windsor, UK) – find their full reports in pdf here:

Reports describe an overall “enriching experience“, and an “excellent workshop”. Both grant holders received “constructive feedback” on their research projects, which is very valuable at an early stage of a research career. Activities and themes were diverse: oral session, practical workshops on data analysis, discussion on ethics in research, information on academic writing and publishing… Ayse summarises the workshop as follows: “a comprehensive experience that bridged theoretical knowledge with practical application“.  The four-days event was also prone to develop a network between PhD students, in a friendly atmosphere: walks in the Windsor park, pool and tennis table, great meals and social moments were also part of the program!

CALL for GRANTS for the 8th Geomorphometry Conference (Perugia, Italy, 9–13 June 2025)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) announces the offering of 1 grant of 400 € (four hundred Euros) to favour the participation of one Young Geomorphologist* from worldwide (excluding Italy) in the Geomorphometry Conference 2025 (Perugia, Italy, 9-13 June 2025).
The event is hosted by the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection of the Italian National Research Council (CNR IRPI) and the Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia.
The grant will include free registration to attend the Conference.
For further information on the event, please visit:

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 3 February 2025:

  • Application form (.doc.pdf);
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes;
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
  • Abstract submitted to the Conference.

Criteria to be proved by the CV and abstract submitted to the event:

  1. Scientific content based on the abstract (relevance to the conference, scientific value, clarity in terms of English and structure);
  2. Academic activities based on the CV (dissemination of scientific results, e.g., publications, conferences, additional community activities such as event organisation, editorial activities, outreach, etc.).

Files should be submitted to:
Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: (e-mail subject: “Geomorphometry 2025“)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. EfthimiosKarymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers /

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

CALL for GRANTS for the 15th SINAGEO (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 4–9 August 2025)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) announces the offering of 2 travel grants of 400 € (four hundred Euros) to support the participation of two Young Geomorphologists* from Latin America countries (excluding Brazil) in the 15th SINAGEO, the National Symposium of Geomorphology in Brazil (Natal, Rio do Grande, 4-9 August 2025). Priority will be given to applicants from countries with no IAG NSMs.

The 15th SINAGEO is organized by the União da Geomorfologia Brasileira (Brazilian Geomorphological Union). The theme is “Geomorphology Applied to Territorial Planning”, and this focus underscores the essential connections between geomorphology and land use, addressing both current environmental and climatic challenges and guiding sustainable development practices. The program features speakers from Brazil and abroad, short courses, field trips, workshops, special sessions, and oral and poster presentations. Except for foreign guest appearances, the event will be held in Portuguese.
The two Young Geomorphologists will be granted free admission to the conference, along with access to various activities including include short courses, which will be offered during the symposium, workshops (e.g. Delta H –, and pre-conference field trip (e.g. Seridó UNESCO Global Geopark –

For further information on the 15th SINAGEO, please visit:

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totaling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 17 March 2025:

  • Application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes;
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
  • Abstract submitted to the Symposium.

Criteria to be proved by the CV and abstract submitted to the event:

  1. Scientific content based on the abstract (relevance to the conference, scientific value, clarity in terms of English and structure);
  2. Academic activities based on the CV (dissemination of scientific results, e.g., publications, conferences, additional community activities such as event organisation, editorial activities, outreach, etc.).

Files should be submitted to:
Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: (e-mail subject: “15th SINAGEO 2025 “)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.

Prof. EfthimiosKarymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers /

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

CALL for GRANTS for the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology (Timișoara, Romania, 16-18 September 2025)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offers several grants to support the participation of Young Geomorphologists* worldwide (except those based in Romania) who are willing to take part in the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Timisoara, Romania (16–18 September 2025) and related Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists in Sinaia (12–15 September 2025). Priority will be given to the YGs who will intend to participate in the Intensive Course. The organizers will waive the registration fee of the Intensive Course for all IAG grant holders.

The Regional Conference on Geomorphology will be hosted by the West University of Timisoara and is organized by the IAG in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Geomorphologists. The conference welcomes scientists and practitioners from around the world. It will include scientific sessions, keynote lectures, as well as an Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists titled “Geomorphic services for environmental change understanding: from field surveying to dynamic and systemic risks evaluation”. Field trips will be organized in various parts of Romania before, during, and after the Conference.

For further information on the meeting, please visit:

The IAG is willing to help Young Geomorphologists in attending the Conference and the Intensive Course by providing a financial support. The amount of the grant will depend on the applicant’s country of residence with priority given to Young Geomorphologists from less-favoured countries worldwide**.

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Criteria to be proved by the CV and abstract submitted to the event:

  1. Scientific content based on the abstract (relevance to the conference, scientific value, clarity in terms of English and structure);
  2. Academic activities based on the CV (dissemination of scientific results, e.g., publications, conferences, additional community activities such as event organisation, editorial activities, outreach, etc.);
  3. Intention to participate in the Intensive course.

Candidates for the IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 3 February 2025:

  • Application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including no more than 10 papers;
  • Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
  • Abstract submitted to the event.

Files should be submitted to:
Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: (e-mail subject: “RCG Romania 2025“)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel & Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis
IAG Training Officers /

*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

**Less-favoured countries are those with a Purchasing Power Parity below 22,000 international dollars, according to the World Development Indicators database, World Bank, referring to 2022). For details see For countries with unavailable PPP in international dollars for 2022, please refer either to the US dollars column or to tables released in previous years by the World Bank.

IAG Photo Contest – winner November 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in November 2024 is Olutoyin Fashae (Nigeria)! Find below her photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Iyake Lake – Africa’s Hanging Lake Sculpted by Nature

by Fashae Olutoyin, Nigeria

The Iyake Lake, also known as the Ado Awaye Suspended Lake in Oyo State, Nigeria, is Africa’s only recognized suspended lake and one of just two globally. Formed within a granitic inselberg, the lake is a rare natural depression that collects water, creating a permanent lake. This humid tropical geomorphosite highlights the interaction between hydrology and geomorphology, shaped by structural weaknesses in the bedrock exploited through weathering and erosion over time. Surrounded by exfoliation domes and tors, it offers insights into tropical landscape evolution. The Yoruba people revere the lake as a sacred site, believing it holds spiritual powers and fertility significance. It attracts tourists seeking cultural connection and natural beauty, alongside researchers interested in its unique geological processes. To preserve this natural wonder, sustainable tourism and conservation efforts are essential, ensuring its cultural, scientific, and aesthetic legacy endures for future generations.

IAG Photo Contest – winner October 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in October 2024 is Ronald Pöppl (Austria). Find below his photo and descriptive text.

The IAG expresses its support and deepest condolences to every Nepalese fellow who was impacted by this terrible event.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Kathmandu after the 2024 flooding and landslides

by Ronald Pöppl, Austria

End of September 2024 Nepalese capital Kathmandu was inundated by floodwaters after record-breaking monsoon rains which caused the Bagmati river to breach its banks. More than 200 people have been killed and thousands of houses damaged in the worst flooding and landslides in the Kathmandu valley in decades. This photo, taken ca. three weeks after the flood, shows the remnants and geomorphic consequences of this devastating event. Photo was taken collaboratively by Ronald Pöppl and Johannes Thomas Weidinger (Austria).

1st Workshop of the IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology (Kraków, Poland – 12-15 May 2025)

The venue of the workshop, at the University of the National Education Commission (Kraków, Poland)

The IAG Working Group on Urban Geomorphology organises its 1st Workshop! The overarching goal of that workshop is to bring together urban geomorphologists worldwide, which will lead to a better understanding of overall matters in ancient and modern urban geomorphology, and will help to build future collaborations.
The workshop will be held in Kraków (Poland), on 12-15 May 2025, with the general theme “Geomorphology, geodiversity and geosites in urban areas“. The programme includes plenary lectures, oral & poster sessions, training on a GIS software (dedicated to early-career researchers), as well as two field trips.

The deadline to submit abstracts is 28 February 2025. Find the third circular of the event here, and the link for early-bird registration here.

The IAG will support the participation of two young Geomorphologists via two grants – more information soon!

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – IAG Working Group DENUCHANGE Workshop (Rome, Italy, 23-26 September 2024)

Photo from the post-conference field trip (credits: Nevena Antić)

The IAG DENUCHANGE Working Group organised the 4th IAG DENUCHANGE Workshop at the Sapienza University in Rome (Italy) on 23-26 September 2024. The IAG offered two Grants of 450€ each to help two Young Geomorphologists to attend this event. Congratulations to the two Grant Holders!

Grant Holders participated in two days of oral and poster presentations, including one dedicated to young Geomorphologists. They report “interesting” and “incredibly inspiring” talks during the scientific sessions. They also had the opportunity to follow a “wonderful” geo-touristic walking tour of Rome, which notably showed them geomorphological landforms and their connections to Rome’s historical past. One of the two participated to a post-conference field trip to Val d’Orcia (Southern Tuscany), which gave him the opportunity to see in person an important study site in his research field. Overall, both Grant Holders are happy to have participated to this event, which allowed them to “connect” with other people from their research field, but also more generally to people from the DENUCHANGE Working Group.

Find their full reports here:

Publication of “Landscapes and Landforms of Costa Rica”

The most recent addition to the IAG-endorsed series is the “Landscapes and Landforms of Costa Rica” book, edited by Adolfo Quesada-Román. It comprises twenty-one chapters, including both country-wide overviews and more site-specific studies. Inevitably, volcanic geomorphology, mass movements and fluvial dynamics are prominently represented, but there are also chapters focused on karst and caves, glacial and periglacial landscapes, coastlines, soils, and human impact in geomorphology. The book is 455 pages long, and so contains a wealth of information.

Find details and purchase options here:

Obituary for Professor Denys Brunsden (1936-2024) – the First President of the International Association of Geomorphologists

On 25 January 2024 the global community of geomorphologists lost one of the biggest persons in the history of the discipline, Professor Denys Brunsden. Not only was he a brilliant, visionary scientist, always eager to explore new avenues of research and to challenge established views, but will be also remembered as one of the founding fathers of the International Association of Geomorphologists, its staunch promoter, supporter of young geomorphologists from everywhere on the planet (including the author of this note!), straight and most amiable man, both in a lecture room as well as in the field.

Denys Brunsden was born on 14 March 1936 in Devon, south-west England, attended a school in Torquay and then joined the Royal Air Force to do his National Service. Perhaps surprisingly, the military service influenced much of his further career in academia, as it is the army where he learnt the skills of air photo interpretation – a most useful tool in geomorphological research, especially at large scales of inquiry. In 1956 he was enrolled as a geography student at King’s College of the University of London and had an opportunity to learn from Professor S.W. Wooldridge, one of the most eminent British geomorphologists of that time and a keen follower of the denudation chronology concept. No wonder, therefore, that in the early years of Denys’ research career issues of long-term landscape evolution were also strongly represented and his doctoral thesis was focused on the denudation chronology of Dartmoor. He will be associated with the King’s College for his entire academic career, until retirement.

However, a visit to New Zealand in 1965 (a country that he always recommended to geomorphologists “to see before they die” – quotation from one of his position papers) opened his eyes to a different kind of geomorphology: much more dynamic, with major changes accomplished at short time scales, with the key role of tectonics, and so much relevant to the society. Back in England, he found a great research playground so close to his home, where he could develop ideas of dynamic, short time-response geomorphology, look at processes at work, and show that geomorphology matters. These were the cliffed coasts of East Devon and Dorset, with their abundance of landslides, mudflows, and ever-changing sandy and shingle beaches. Not only did he publish a series of original papers, but contributed many conceptual papers to journals and edited monographs and co-authored “Geomorphology and Time” (together with John Thornes) – a book highly stimulating intellectually, well ahead of the time. The 1970s were also the period when Denys became strongly involved in applied geomorphology, undertaking projects and consultancy work both in Britain and abroad, especially in the Middle East. In 1979 he (co-)established Geomorphological Services Ltd, the first geomorphological consultancy enterprise in the UK.

In the next decade, in addition to all activities pursued already, he embarked himself on a mission to establish a global scientific association that would unite geomorphologists of different origin and background. Working together with Professor Jess H. Walker and several other visionary geomorphologists, travelling extensively and persuading the sceptics, he saw the dream fulfilled in the late 1980s, first in Manchester in 1985, where the First International Conference on Geomorphology was held, and then in Frankfurt (Germany) in 1989, where the International Association of Geomorphologists was founded during the Second International Conference on Geomorphology. Not at all surprising was then the election of Denys Brunsden to become the first President of the IAG, a position that he held until the next international conference in 1993. In recognition of his outstanding service to the global geomorphological community Denys was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the IAG in 1997, whereas a special Brunsden Medal was established by the IAG to honour those particularly involved in organizational matters of the associaion, with the first awardee (Mauro Soldati) announced in 2013.

Towards the end of the 20th century another field of interest and activity became prominent in Denys’ life. Many years of investigating geomorphology of the Devon and Dorset Coast made him realizing that this coastal landscape, with significant geology underpinning dynamic geomorphology and outstanding scenery, is not only aesthetically pleasant (as long appreciated by thousands of visitors), but also important scientifically and this at the global scale. Thus, he became involved in a project aimed at the inscription of the Dorset and East Devon Coast on the World Heritage List, effected in 2001. Arguments for inscription under criterion (viii), emphasizing global significance of geology and geomorphology and arising from Denys’ research (among others), were particularly strong.

In 1996 he retired from King’s College, but remained active in the IAG, attending its conferences in person until 2013 (health issues prevented his travels in Delhi, 2017, and Coimbra, 2022, but online presence was arranged instead), and was involved in many regional and local initiatives and projects.

There is a long list of distinctions and awards that Denys received. Besides the Honorary Fellowship of the IAG, he was the recipient of Gill Award from the Royal Geographical Society (1977), David Linton Award of the British Geomorphological Research Group (1993), William Smith Medal from the Geological Society of London (2000). In 2003 he was appointed to the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth for his services to Geoconservation and Geomorphology. Denys was also a honorary fellow of Polish Association of Geomorphologists.

The 2020s were the years of deteriorating health, and the pandemics further limited contacts with other geomorphologists, which Denys enjoyed so much. For instance, it was impossible to organize an event, at which a research monograph “Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales” (published in 2020) dedicated to him could have been presented. The ultimate departure of Denys Brunsden caused a great sorrow among geomorphologists worldwide, so many helped and advised by Denys at different occasions and stages of career. As mentioned in the obituary note published by the Geological Society, after the funeral ceremony in Chideock in Dorset where he lived, his ashes were scattered onto the coastal landslide of Stonebarrow, going now slowly seaward. It is also necessary to mention the strong support Denys enjoyed throughout his life from his wife Elizabeth.

The author of this note had the privilege of long personal acquaintance with Denys Brunsden, which began during his visit to Poland in 1993. Denys was very supportive during my first research stay in England in 1994, helped to establish contacts with other UK geomorphologists, introduced me to the world of the IAG and showed huge trust that I could become an effective secretary of the Association, which occurred in the term 1997–2001. I also had great fun visiting some of the Dorset landslides with Denys during a memorable field trip with Oxford students in 1996, and enjoyed a common visit to Taiwan in 2009. The last time I met Denys in person was hot summer of 2018, where we had a most pleasant lunch at the cottage of Professors Andrew Goudie and Heather Viles in the Isle of Portland.

No doubt that we lost a great personality.

Piotr Migoń


Find a reference list of Denys Brunsden’s research here.

IAG Rocky Coasts WG – International Rocky Coast Conference (Trieste, Italy, 25-26 June 2025)

The IAG Rocky Coasts Working Group organises the International Rocky Coast Conference (IRC2025), which will be held in Trieste (Italy) on 25-26 June 2025 – following a postponement from 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This meeting serves as a platform to discuss advances in the study of rock coasts and will include a range of presentations relevant to Rock Coast Geomorphology.

Find detailed information about the conference here: Call for abstracts is open until 31 December 2024!

Almost 25 years ago a number of researchers from all over the world met in Brighton (UK) at the EUROPEAN ROCK COASTS 2001 CONFERENCE. This meeting was the first international symposium devoted to rock coasts geomorphology under the support of the EU-funded research project ESPED (European Shore Platform Erosion Dynamics). International links among
researchers from different countries and disciplines were established on collaborative research topics.

Since then, there has been a considerable range of research projects actively investigating erosion processes operating in rock coast environments. Gone are the times when papers about rocky coasts used the “neglected coastal feature” terminology, now the most relevant journals devoted to Geomorphology and Marine Ecology frequently publish papers on rock coast processes and landform evolution. It should be noted that during the last decade the rocky coasts community has increased significantly resulting in a consolidated Working Group at the International Association of Geomorphologists. A seminal book representing the discipline has since been published by the Geological Society of London: the “ROCK COAST GEOMORPHOLOGY: A GLOBAL
SYNTHESIS”. However, coastal protection agencies and engineering contractors charged with managing rock coasts require further data from the rock coast scientific community to improve the effectiveness of current and future coastal management practices.

Against this background, and following the post-Covid re-openings, the International Rocky Coast 2025 Conference in Trieste is aimed at providing rock coast researchers with a timely opportunity to take stock of what they have achieved to-date, and to identify future research needs and directions as well as foster collaborative partnership.

IAG Webinar for the International Geodiversity Day 2024

Established in 2021 by the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference, the International Geodiversity Day occurs each October 6th and aims to raise public and policy awareness of the importance of non-living nature.

To celebrate the third edition of the International Geodiversity Day, the IAG organises a webinar entitled “Geomorphological Diversity of the 2nd 100 IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) Geological Heritage Sites.” It will be conducted on October 29th (Tue), 15:00-17:00 CET. You will listen to three speakers from Canada, Italy and Poland, who will illustrate the importance of the International Geodiversity Day with concrete examples.

Find the flyer here, and register on Google Forms here. If you have problems accessing the registration form, please e-mail oguchi<at> Find more information on the International Geodiversity Day here.

Reports by IAG Grant Holders – International Conference on Permafrost (Whitehorse, Canada, 16-20 June 2024)

On-site attendees listening to a presentation by Lukas Arenson, conference chair of the 12th ICOP, in the Kwanlin Dün Cultural centre (Whitehorse, Canada).

The International Permafrost Association (IPA) organised the 12th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) on 16-20 June 2024, in Whitehorse (Canada).

The IAG offered two Grants to help young geomorphologists to attend the conference – congratulations to all Grant Holders!

The theme of the 12th ICOP was “Integrating Perspectives of Permafrost Thaw, Change, and Adaptation“. Overall, both Grant Holders are “grateful for the financial support provided by the IAG”, which made their participation to the 12th ICOP possible. One of the Grant Holders, Roger, had the opportunity to be an invited speaker in a session on coastal permafrost. He also participated in a conference field trip, where they took geophysical measurements on a permafrost thaw slump – an in-person experience that has “no substitute” according to Roger. Melanie, the second Grant Holder, had her work published as a full conference paper. She highlights that the event offered her “invaluable” feedback on her research, and the opportunity to “explore new approaches, transfer knowledge […], reconnect with colleagues and exchange ideas”.

Find their full reports here:

IAG Video Contest – winner July-September 2024

The winner of the IAG Video Contest for the period July-September 2024 is Martin Mergili (Austria)! Find below his video and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

The rapid recession of Gepatschferner

by Martin Mergili, Austria

Gepatschferner is located in the headwaters of Kaunertal in the province of Tyrol, Austria. It represents one of Austria’s two largest glaciers, with almost the same surface area as the more famous Pasterze. Like many glaciers in the area, also Gepatschferner is in a stage of massive recession. This time lapse video visualizes the evolution of the glacier tongue from 2020 to 2023. The video is composed of individual photos taken by an automatic camera installed in front of the glacier terminus during each summer. One photo per day is used, including only those days with good weather conditions. The operating of the automatic camera is a collaborative effort of Martin Mergili and Stefan Haselberger (Austria).

IAG Photo Contest – winner September 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in September 2024 is Narangerel Serdyanjiv (Mongolia)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Senjit Khad – Denudational process of Mountain rocks in Western Mongolia

by Narangerel Serdyanjiv, Mongolia

Senjit Khad is located on the top of a high mountain with a flat surface at an altitude of 2773 meters (a.s.l) in the Erdenehairkhan Soum, Zavkhan province in Western Mongolia. This cliff tor is 10 m high, 6-8 m wide, with a unique formation like a granite door. The massif of granite rocks is widely distributed, and formed residual rocks and cliffs as a result of physical weathering and wind erosion in this place. There are beautiful natural places and sand deposits formed by erosion and denudation processes. Local people call this cliff “Heaven’s Gate”.

I.S.Rivers International Conference (30 June – 4 July 2025, Lyon, France)

The IAG is happy to promote the 5th edition of the I.S.Rivers International Conference (30 June – 4 July 2025, Lyon, France)! Organised by the ZABR (Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône) and the GRAIE, the I.S.Rivers International Conference aims at sharing the latest progress in research and practises on natural and human-impacted large rivers. It will focus on their functioning, changes and processes, interface and interactions, management policies and engineering. The conference will include oral presentations, poster sessions, workshops, technical tours and social events. Find the preliminary program here:

The call for abstract is open until November 30th – submit your abstract here:

And find all details on the conference on the website here:

CALL for GRANTS for the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 2-5 December 2024)

The Cumberland Lodge in Windsor.

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offers 3 grants of 300 € (three hundred) Euros to PhD students in Geomorphology from Europe (except UK) who are willing to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 2–5 December 2024). The Windsor workshop is only for PhD students who started in 2024. The Workshop is organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and recognised by the IAG.

The course will provide PhD students with elements of training for research and with an opportunity to meet others at an early stage of their training when they are facing the problems of research design etc. The content is non-technical, but provides training in project management, group work, dealing with large data sets, fieldwork, lab and numerical modelling, gaining funding as well as publication and future career development. Students will also meet a wide variety of academics and facilitators who are practicing researchers as well as the BSG postgrad representatives on the Executive.

The workshop has been running at the Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park for over 30 years – many notable researchers and academics attended and benefited from this course.

For further information on the Windsor Workshop, please visit:

Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.

Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 7 October 2024:

  • Application form (.doc / .pdf);
  • 1-page CV;
  • Proof of being a PhD student;
  • Title and brief summary of the PhD research project.

Files should be submitted to:

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers

e-mail: (e-mail subject: “ BSG Windsor 2024)

The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants feel free to contact the IAG Training Officers.


Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis & Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officers /


*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.

IAG Photo Contest – winner August 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in August 2024 is Florin Zăinescu (France)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the context, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Where River Meets Sea: 2,000 Years Growth of a Wave-Influenced Delta Lobe

by Florin Zăinescu, France

This aerial photograph showcases the Sfântu Gheorghe wave-influenced lobe of the Danube Delta which hosts the largest reed marsh expanse in the world. Over 2,000 years, the dynamic interplay between the Danube (carrying here one-third of the river’s discharge) and the Black Sea has sculpted this deltaic lobe.
Delta formation is a delicate battle between river and sea. As Danube sediments reach the coast, they encounter northern currents, winds, and waves that push them southward (top of the image), creating an asymmetric landscape. Sands gather in the north (bottom), while silts and muds form the expansive marsh plain to the south.
Barrier spits like Sacalin (thin hook, top of image) and ridges from ancient storms and waves mark this ongoing struggle. However, human impacts, such as upstream dam construction, have drastically reduced sediment supply, accelerating coastal erosion and threatening the delta’s delicate equilibrium.

IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Timișoara, Romania (16-18 September 2025)

The IAG is happy to announce its next Regional Conference on Geomorphology, which will be held in Timișoara (Romania) on September 16-18th! organised by the Romanian Association of Geomorphologists, the conference will take place in the West University of Timișoara.

The chosen theme for this event is ”Geomorphology for society: challenges and opportunities ”, aiming to stress the increasing role of geomorphology in understanding the effects of climate change and human pressures on the environment and society and to highlight the need for better and adapted channels and strategies for science communication to the general public. The overall concept of the conference is both to provide a friendly platform for worldwide specialists to disseminate their newest scientific results and to express their views, and to offer participants a memorable socio-cultural experience.

Find details on the event below, or on the Conference website:

IMPORTANT: the abstract submission deadline was extended to 23rd February!

Field trips

Before the conference, three field trips will allow participants to explore scenic routes within the natural beauty and geomorphological diversity (from karst to volcanic and glacial and periglacial processes and landforms) of the Southern, Eastern and Western Romanian Carpathians and to encounter historical and cultural experiences related to gold mining and medieval towns in Transylvania.
After the conference, participants will explore the wonders of the geodiversity of Danube Valley and Iron Gates Gorges and the Southern Romanian Carpathians and will track the footprints of dwarf dinosaurs in Hateg UNESCO Geopark.

Intensive course

We encourage young geomorphologists and early career researchers to participate to the 4th IAG-EGU Intensive Course ”Geomorphic services for environmental change understanding: from field surveying to dynamic and systemic risks evaluation” preceding the conference. Top European researchers will provide training in experimenting and applying complementary field investigation techniques (remote sensing – optic and LiDAR UAV surveys, terrestrial laser scanning; geophysics – ERT and GPR; sampling procedures for absolute dating; sampling for dendrogeomorphology applications in avalanche-prone areas), for evaluating climate change impact in sensitive mountain environments and applying knowledge on disaster risk reduction and risk management.

The course will take place in Sinaia Research Station of the University of Bucharest, in Sinaia, Romania, with field applications in the nearby Bucegi Mountains. Participation is limited to a number of 20 applicants. In recognition of their activity, the University of Bucharest will award the participants with 2 ECTS credits.
Submit your application before 31 January, see more details about the course programme, key-note lecturers and participation fees here. Join us in Sinaia!

The IAG offers several grants for Young Geomorphologists to attend the Regional Conference on Geomorphology, and more specifically the intensive course! Find more information here.

Important dates and deadlines

  • 31st August 2024: Agreement on thematic sessions
  • 30th September 2024: Thematic sessions programme available
  • 30th September 2024: Abstract submission open (RCG and YGs Intensive Course)
  • 30th September 2024: Registration open (RCG and YGs Intensive Course)
  • 31st January 2025: Abstract submission closed – extended to 23rd February!
  • 3rd February 2025: application to IAG Young Geomorphologists grants closed
  • 24th February, 2025: notification on YGs Intensive Course acceptance
  • 3rd March 2025: notification on abstract acceptance – extended to 9th March!
  • 4th March 2025: conference early bird registration open – extended to 10th March!
  • 15th May 2025: early bird registration closed
  • 15th July 2025: regular registration closed
  • 1st August 2025: conference programme available
  • 12 – 15th September 2025: Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists (Sinaia, Romania)
  • 12 – 15th September 2025: pre-conference field trips
  • 16 – 18th September 2025: conference (Timișoara, Romania)
  • 19 – 22nd September 2025: post-conference field trip

IAG Photo Contest – winner July 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in May 2024 is Hanne Hendrickx (Germany)! Find below her photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Thunderstorm aftermath: The August 2018 debris flow event in Arolla (Wallis, Switzerland)

by Hanne Hendrickx, Germany

In this captivating photograph, taken on August 5, 2018, a debris flow event unfolded in a picturesque alpine valley. The debris flow, triggered by an hour of intense, localized evening thunderstorms, cascaded down the mountainside, reaching the valley bottom and threatening the nearby camping ground of Arolla. The sediment originates from the La Roussette rock glacier and the La Tsa morainic bastion. Notably, the cirque to the left did not contribute to any debris flow event. Mont Collon towers in the background, overseeing the dramatic alpine landscape, its snow-capped peak partially shrouded in clouds. The main river, Borgne, winds through the valley, its bed visibly saturated with sediment. On the right, one can observe the location where the Tsjijiore Nouve glacier once extended its tongue, now a silent testament to the valley’s glacial history. This image beautifully captures the dynamic landscape of this alpine region.

IAG Video Contest – winner April-June 2024

The winner of the IAG Video Contest for the period April-June 2024 is Yuichi Hayakawa (Japan)! Find below his video and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Shichimenzan Kuzure landslide

by Yuichi Hayakawa, Japan

Located in the sub-basin of the Fuji River watershed in the Southern Japanese Alps, the large landslide “Shichimenzan Kuzure” covers an area of 3.5 hectares and continues to supply a huge amount of sediment into the rivers every year. It is not clear when exactly this landslide was formed, but according to the historical documents of the Shichimenzan Keishinin Temple, it seems to have already existed at least as early as the 1600s. The Southern Japanese Alps are one of the fastest uplifting areas in Japan, with entire mountains rising more than 4 meters every 1,000 years. At the same time, it is one of the areas with the highest erosion rates in Japan. In the long term, although seemingly unchanging, the mountain landscapes are constantly evolving, and the Mt. Shichimenzan landslide is a visible manifestation of such “movement” of the mountains.

Announcement for the 11th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology (2-6 February 2026, Christchurch, New Zealand)

The IAG is delighted to announce its 11th International Conference on Geomorphology! It will take place in Christchurch, New Zealand (Ōtautahi, Aotearoa) on 2-6 February 2026!

The Conference will include scientific sessions, workshops and field trips. All details are available on the web page of the event:

You can also visit the website of the event:
and express your interest by subscribing to the mailing list:

All key dates for the event can be found below – or in pdf here.

8th Badlands Working Group Workshop (online, 16 July 2024)

The IAG Badlands Working Group organises its 8th Workshop on July 16th (14:00-16:00 CET)!

This Workshop will take the form of a webinar. Four speakers will present various aspects of badlands research, such as land use, structural control or soil erosion, in various badlands regions (e.g. Türkiye, Spain, India). The seminars will be followed by the Badlands Working Group Meeting.

Find the detailed programme here. The meeting will be held online- the link will be shared soon.

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