IAG Executive Committee 2017-2021

The following Executive Committee of the IAG/AIG was elected at the 9th International Conference on Geomorphology in New Delhi for the period 2017-2021: 
President: Prof. Mauro SOLDATI (Italy)
Vice-President: Dr. Susan CONWAY (UK) – Communication, co-operation, outreach
Vice-President: Prof. Sunil Kumar DE (India) –Working Groups
Vice-President: Prof. Francisco GUTIERREZ (Spain) – National Scientific Members
Secretary General: Dr. Mihai MICU (Romania)
Treasurer: Prof. EMMANUEL REYNARD (Switzerland)
Publications Officer: Prof. Kosmas PAVLOPOULOS (Greece)
Co-opted members: Dr. MARTA DELLA SETA (Italy) – Training Programme

Prof. Takashi OGUCHI, Japan – Contacts Asian and Pacific countries

Prof. PIOTR MIGOŃ (Poland) – IAG roots and history

Dr. Ghislain ZANGMO TEFOGOUM (Cameroon) – Contacts African countries

two more to be nominated

 Special Portfolio members:

Prof. Lucio CUNHA (Portugal) – Portugal Int. Conference

Dr. Adel SEPEHR (Iran) – Iran Reg. Conference

Prof. Konstantinos VOUVALIDIS (Greece) – Greece Reg. Conference