11th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology (2-6 February 2026, Christchurch, New Zealand)

The IAG 11th Conference on Geomorphology will take place in Christchurch, New Zealand (Ōtautahi, Aotearoa) on 2-6 February 2026! Tectonically active and geologically young, Aotearoa New Zealand provides impressive geomorphological heritage, with notably some of the highest uplift and erosion rates in the world!

The Conference will include scientific sessions, workshops and field trips (before, during and after the conference)! Find below all details, as well as the key dates and deadlines. In the meantime, you can visit the website of the Conference, or register to receive updates and notifications by email here: https://confer.eventsair.com/icg2026/eoi/Site/Register.

Scientific sessions

The themes will encompass the disciplines that seek to understand natural processes, investigative techniques and the benefits and impacts to society. Scientific sessions will belong to the following themes:

  • Aeolian and arid landscapes
  • Anthropogenic geomorphology
  • Catchment processes and management
  • Coastal and marine environments
  • Cryosphere and cold landscapes
  • Education, outreach, and ethics in geomorphology
  • Landscape hazards, risks, and society
  • Landscape response to climate change
  • Planetary geomorphology
  • Surface and subsurface processes and landscape evolution
  • Technological advances in geomorphology
  • Tectonic and volcanic geomorphology
  • other…

Field trips

A wide range of field trips are offered before, during and after the conference. Each field trip is led by 2 or more experienced field trip guides, active in research within the field trip locations. Find detailed information here: https://www.confer.co.nz/icg2026/1889-2/.

Pre-conference (2 options):

    • Diversity of landscapes in Tasmania, Australia (4-5 days);
    • Volcanoes, rivers and coasts in Aoteaora New Zealand’s North Island (8 days).

Mid-conference (8 options; 1 day each):

    • Coastal geomorphology in Kaitorete, Waihora and Lyttleton Harbour;
    • Engineering geomorphology in Arthur’s Pass highway, Southern Alps;
    • Glacial geomorphology in the Canterbury Plains, Rakaia Gorge & Rakaia River;
    • Fluvial geomorphology in the Canterbury plains;
    • Volcanic geomorphology in the Banks Peninsula;
    • Tectonic geomorphology in Christchurch and the Banks Peninsula;
    • Soil development and geomorphology in the Banks Peninsula;
    • Karst and landscape evolution in Castle Hill.

Post-conference (3 options):

    • Geomorphic Impacts of the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake (2 days);
    • Geomorphology of the New Zealand Southern Alps in Christchurch – Queenstown (6 days);
    • Coastal geomorphology of beaches, sand islands, and coral reefs in Brisbane/Gladstone, Australia (9 days).

Key dates

Find below the key dates for session, workshop and abstract submission – or in pdf here.

Call for session/workshop proposal (July – 20 September 2024): https://www.confer.co.nz/icg2026/call-for-sessions/.
Call for abstract submission (3 February – 31 May 2025): https://www.confer.co.nz/icg2026/call-for-abstracts/.