Grants awarded to Young Geomorphologists for Geocuar 2018
The International Association of Geomorphologists offered 2 grants of 500 euros to favour the participation of Young Geomorphologists (under 35 years old) from Latin America but not mainly based in Argentina in the 7º Congreso Argentino de Cuaternario y Geomorfología, “Geocuar 2018” organized by Argentine Association of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies (AACG) being held in Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina, 18-21 September 2018.
For further information on the Congress, please visit:
The selection of candidates has been carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG and the Geocuar Executive Committees.
3 eligible applications were received and IAG grants have been awarded to the following candidates:
– Gabriel GÓMEZ SZMULEWICZ (Chile)
– Igor PESSOA (Brazil)