IAG GRANTS for BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop, Windsor, UK, 3-6 December 2018

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) offers 2 grants of 300 (three-hundred) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) who are willing to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 3-6 December 2018). PhD students in the first year of their PhD programme will be given priority, but those in their 2nd year can also apply. The Workshop is organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and recognised by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG). The course will provide PhD students with elements of training for research and with an opportunity to meet others at an early stage of their training when they were wrestling with the problems of research design etc.

For further information on the Workshop, please visit the BSG website at:



Candidates for IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files before 9 NOVEMBER 2018:

– Application form DOC PDF

– One page CV

– Title and brief summary of PhD research project.


Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Executive Committee Member e-mail: iaggrantoffice@gmail.com


The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG/AIG Executive Committee.

Prof. Marta Della Seta (IAG Training Officer)