Grants awarded to Young Geomorphologists for BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop 2018

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) has awarded 2 grants of 300 (three-hundred) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 3-6 December 2018).

The selection for Grants was made by the international committee appointed by the IAG. The selection committee consisted of geomorphologists with affiliations not represented among the applicants.

2 GRANTS of 300 (three-hundred) euros each have been awarded to the following PhD Students in Geomorphology selected among 15 eligible applicants based in 9 different countries:


-Lidia SELMI (Italy)

-Giulia IACOBUCCI (Italy)