Call for IAG Grants – the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology Athens 19-21 Sept 2019
CALL for IAG GRANTS for the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology: Geomorphology of Climatically and Tectonically sensitive areas
The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) is offering a number of grants for YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS (under 35 yrs old) who are willing to take part in the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology (Athens, Greece, 19-21 September 2019) and related 2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Faculties, Anavyssos Attica and Harokopio University of Athens, 22-27 September 2019).
The grants are offered to Young Geomorphologists from less-favoured countries worldwide (with a Purchasing Power Parity below 22,000 international dollars, according to the World Development Indicators database, World Bank, revised 21 September 2018). For details see here. For countries with unavailable PPP in international dollars for 2018, please refer either to the US dollars column or to tables released in previous years by the World Bank.
The Regional Conference on Geomorphology will take place in Athens. Organized by the Greek Committee for Geomorphology & Environment of the Geological Association of Greece and open to all scientists and practitioners, it will include scientific sessions and keynote lectures as well as the 2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists dealing with ‘Coastal geomorphology of climatically and tectonically sensitive areas’. Field trips will be arranged in various islands of the Aegean Sea, both before and after the Conference.
The funds allocated by the IAG to support Young Geomorphologists are 6000 euros. In addition, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) has allocated a budget to co-sponsor the 2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists. The amount of single grants will depend on the country of origin (or place of residence) and on estimated financial needs of the grant winners. The grants are intended to cover (at least partially) travel costs to and from Athens, accommodation during the Conference and fee of the Intensive Course. In addition, the Organizing Committee will waive the Conference registration fee. The participation in the Intensive Course is highly recommended and the intention to participate in the Course will be considered as a preferential title in the selection of the applicants. Applicants should have a special interest and research experience in the themes of both the Conference and the Intensive Course, to be proved by their CV.
For further information on the Conference, please visit the Conference website.
Candidates for GRANTS are requested to submit the following documents before 15 April 2019:
– Application form (here as PDF and here as doc)
– Copy of valid passport or identity card
– Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes
– Abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the Conference.
The above mentioned documents should be submitted to Marta Della Seta at specifying “IAG Grants – RCG2019” in the subject of the accompanying e-mail). The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants, feel free to contact the IAG Training Officer. Priority will be given to applicants who intend to participate in the Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists.
Marta Della Seta
IAG Training Officer