IAG GRANTS for BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop, Windsor, UK, 5-8 December 2016

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) offered 2 grants of 250 (two-hundred-fifty) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop (Windsor, UK, 5-8 December 2016).

For further information on the Workshop, please visit the BSG website at:


The selection of candidates has been carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG.

4 eligible applications were received for the grants available.


IAG GRANTS have been awarded to the following candidates:

Gabriele AMATO (Italy) | REPORT
Vittoria VANDELLI (Italy) | REPORT


Mauro Soldati
IAG Vice-President and Training Officer


Prof. Mauro Soldati

IAG Vice-President and Training Officer


IPA-IAG Agreement – Early Career Researcher Conference Travel Grants For ICOP 2016

According to the recently established IPA-IAG Agreement, the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) offered 2 grants of 300  to Early Career Researchers to take part in the 11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2016) (Potsdam, Germany, 20-24 June 2016).

The selection of candidates has been carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG and IPA Executive Committees.

12 eligible applications were received for the grants available.

IAG GRANTS have been awarded to the following candidates:

Raul David ȘERBAN (Romania)REPORT
Ingo HARTMEYER (Austria) |


Mauro Soldati
IAG Vice-President and Training Officer

EGU / FORM-OSE Post-graduate Training School 2016 – “Landslides and other Geological Hazards in Active Volcanic Environments”

The scope of the Training School is to provide an overview of landslides and other geological hazards processes and their complex interactions and to present a state of the art for concepts, research, models, monitoring techniques/technologies and warning systems. Updated knowledge on traditional and innovative multidisciplinary methods and techniques will be presented. Landslides and their triggering mechanisms, namely rainfall, seismicity and volcanic eruptions, will be explored not restricting their role as triggering factors, but considering all as main characters in a hazardous scenario.

The course will be held on 4-9 July 2016 in the São Miguel Island of the Azores Archipelago, composed by nine volcanic islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Due to its geographical and geodynamic setting it offers a wide diversity of natural hazards. São Miguel is one of the most affected islands by natural hazards, namely by volcanic eruptions, volcanic degassing processes, earthquakes, storms, landslides, floods and tsunamis. Since its settlement, in the 15th century, hundreds of cascade events were responsible for victims and important socioeconomic impact. By this diversity of natural phenomena, this area is considered an important natural laboratory and perfect for the application of several methods and techniques during the course training and field trips.

For further information on the Summer School, please visit:


The International Association of Geomorphologists offers 1 grants of 400 euros to favour the participation of PhD students in Geomorphology (under 35 years old) worldwide (except Portugal) in the FORM-OSE Post-Graduate Training School 2016.

IAG GRANTS for Workshop – “Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues”, co-organized by WGPG, London, UK, 20-21 June 2016

The International Association of Geomorphologists offered 2 grants of 250 euros to favour the participation of Young Geomorphologists (under 35 years old), who are not from the UK, in the Workshop on Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues co-organized by the IAG Planetary Geomorphology Working Group.

For further information, please visit: http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/martiangullies

A Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee received 2 eligible applications, both by candidates from USA. The winners are:

  • Erica JAWIN (USA) | REPORT

Mauro Soldati

IAG Vice-President and Training Officer


WGTG Summer School 2016 – “Alps vs. Apennines: Tectonic Geomorphology of Mountains”

WGTG Summer School 2016

“Alps vs. Apennines: Tectonic Geomorphology of Mountains” – Italy: Western Alps-Central Apennines, July 2-9, 2016

The Summer School is intended for students and early career scientists involved in tectonic geomorphology studies. It aims to offer a comprehensive overview of pioneering techniques, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches for meeting the growing needs of knowledge on both long-term tectonic uplift and sudden geomorphological changes.

The Summer School includes lectures (2 days), laboratory and field activities (4 days). A group of experts from different countries will present the state of the art on tectonic geomorphology and related methods. Case studies from a diversity of geomorphotectonic environments will be analyzed and discussed. A rich programme of field activity will be developed both in the Western Alps, symbol of a long-term evolution orogen, and in central Apennines, where recent seismicity (L’Aquila earthquake, 2009) caused casualties, damages and sudden geomorphological changes.

new! 2nd Circular

1st Circular_(Updated) – The deadline for EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION has been extended to APRIL 29, 2016!

registration form (doc)

registration form (pdf)

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) will offer 2 grants of 400 euros to cover the registration fee to YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS (under 35 years old) worldwide (except Italy) who are willing to take part in the Summer School.


BSG Post-Graduate Research Training Workshop Windsor, United Kingdom, 7-10 December 2015

The Workshop is organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and recognised by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). The course will provide PhD students with elements of training for research and with an opportunity to meet others at an early stage of their training when they were wrestling with the problems of research design etc. There will be sessions about starting research, designing research projects, methodological issues, modelling, fieldwork problems and remedies, presentations techniques, time management, and workshops for project organisation and discussion of individual projects.

For further information on the Workshop, please visit the BSG website at: http://www.geomorphology.org.uk/postgraduates/windsor

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offers 2 grants of 250 (two-hundred-fifty) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) who are willing to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop.

BSG Post-Graduate Research Training Workshop Windsor, United Kingdom, 8-11 December 2014

The Workshop is organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and recognised by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). The course will provide PhD students with elements of training for research and with an opportunity to meet others at an early stage of their training when they were wrestling with the problems of research design etc. There will be sessions about starting research, designing research projects, methodological issues, modelling, fieldwork problems and remedies, presentations techniques, time management, and workshops for project organisation and discussion of individual projects.

For further information on the Workshop, please visit the BSG website at: http://www.geomorphology.org.uk/postgraduates/windsor

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offers 2 grants of 250 (two-hundred-fifty) Euros to PhD STUDENTS in GEOMORHOLOGY from EUROPE (except UK) who are willing to take part in the BSG Post-Graduate Training Workshop.

The 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology – Geomorphology and Sustainability, Paris, France, 27-31 August, 2013

The 8th International Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) took place in Paris at the Cité des Sciences de La Villette from August 27 to 31, 2013. The main topic of this 8th Conference was “Geomorphology and Sustainability“. Organized by the Groupe Français de Géomorphologie (GFG) and open to all scientists and practitioners, this Conference included 26 scientific sessions, 5 key-note lectures and one Workshop devoted to Young Geomorphologists.


Convenors: Etienne COSSART, Johnny DOUVINET & Stuart LANE

This session welcomed young scientists (PhD students, post-doctorates) who were interested in discussing new approaches and methods in geomorphology (spatial analysis, mathematical modelling, conceptual and quantitative approaches and links between them). Presentations could focus on any component of the discipline and related earth sciences (hydrology, Quaternary geology, soil sciences, etc.), and be either fundamental or applied. Preliminary results and discussions of fieldwork and methodological strategies (observation, data acquisition before modelling) were appropriate, as well as methodological developments, such as geomorphic mapping through GIS. Equally, numerical simulation approaches such as those linked to complexity theory (agent-based modelling, Cellular Automata) or physically-based methods for specific process representations have been welcomed. The participants of this session have been invited to participate to the intensive course for young geomorphologists held at the end of the conference (from September 1st to 3rd).


FORMOSE Post-graduate Training School: Costal hazard assessment and management, Caen, France, 19-25 June 2011

The Training School was organized by the European Centre on Geomorphological Hazards (CERG, Strasbourg, France) – which is one of the centres of the EUR-OPA Agreement of the Council of Europe – in close collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD, Valletta, Malta) and the European Centre on Coastal Risks (CerCo, Biarritz, France). The aim of the course was to provide the participants with updated knowledge on traditional and innovative multi-disciplinary methods and techniques for the analysis of geomorphological coastal instability processes and related hazards and risks.

1st Circular | Programme | Report By Organizers

BSG Post-Graduate Research Training Workshop – Windsor, UK, 13-16 December 2010

The Workshop was organised by the British Society for Geomorphology (incorporating the former BGRG) and recognised by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). There will be sessions about starting research, designing research projects, methodological issues, modelling, fieldwork problems and remedies, presentations techniques, time management, and workshops for project organisation and discussion of individual projects

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