IAG Photo Contest – winner April 2024

The winner of the IAG Photo Contest in April 2024 is Jérémiah Clément (France)! Find below his photo and descriptive text.

If you want to participate in the contest, find the rules, guidelines and details on the procedure here.

Anthropic modification of a coastal landscape in response to the global warming threat

by Jérémiah Clément, France

The beach of Gouville-sur-Mer has been recently affected by an important erosion, enhanced by rising sea level (as many other coastal areas in the world). In order to protect the village’s camping site, « big bags » made of plastic geotextile and filled with sand have been placed precipitately in front of the dune crest. The purpose was to try to slow down its erosion. Unfortunately, the site was later affected by several strong storms, ripping the bags appart. The foreshore is now a mix of sand and plastic waste, and the dune crest is still receding during high tides. This site illustrate how poorly designed shoreline protection can lead to disastrous consequences.