The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offers a number of grants to support the participation of Young Geomorphologists* worldwide (except those based in Türkiye) who are willing to take part in the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Cappadocia, Türkiye (12–14 September 2023) and related Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists. Priority will be given to applicants who intend to participate in the Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists organized just after the conference.
The Regional Conference on Geomorphology will be hosted by the Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi located in the heart of Cappadocia, Türkiye. It is organized by the IAG and the Turkish Society for Geomorphology. It is open to all scientists and practitioners. It will include scientific sessions, keynote lectures as well as an Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists “High Resolution Mapping and Cosmogenic Dating of Fluvial Landforms”. Field trips will be arranged in various parts of Türkiye before, during and after the Conference.
For further information on the meeting, please visit:
The IAG is willing to help Young Geomorphologists to attend the Conference by providing a financial support. The amount of the grants will depend on the applicant’s place of residence and estimated financial need. Most grants are offered to Young Geomorphologists from less-favoured countries worldwide**.
Applicants should have a special interest and research experience in the themes of the Conference, to be proved by their CV.
Applications from candidates who already achieved one or more IAG grants totalling 500 euros or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible.
Candidates for the IAG GRANTS are requested to submit the following files up to Monday 22 May 2023:
- Application form (pdf/doc);
- Short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including no more than 10 papers;
- Certificate of the highest degree achieved (with the date of achievement);
- Abstract submitted to the event.
Files should be submitted to:
Anita Bernatek-Jakiel and Efthimios Karymbalis, IAG Training Officers
e-mail: (e-mail subject: “RCG Turkiye 2023”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.
Prof. Efthimios Karymbalis Dr. Anita Bernatek-Jakiel
IAG Training Officer IAG Training Officer
*Undergraduate or postgraduate – Masters/PhD students or scientists who have received their highest degree, i.e. BSc, MSc, or PhD, within the past seven years. Provided parental leave fell into that period, up to one year of parental leave time may be added per child, where appropriate.
** Less-favoured countries are those with a Purchasing Power Parity below 22,000 international dollars, according to the World Development Indicators database, World Bank, referring to 2019). For details see For countries with unavailable PPP in international dollars for 2019, please refer either to the US dollars column or to tables released in previous years by the World Bank.