IAG GRANTS for IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology Gradualism vs catastrophism in landscape evolution, Barnaul (Russia), 2-4 July 2015

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) offered a number of grants to YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS (under 35 years old) who were willing to take part in the Regional Conference on Geomorphology to be held in Barnaul (Russia) on 2-4 July 2015.

The grants were offered to young scientists from less favoured countries of ASIA and EAST EUROPE, with a Purchasing Power Parity below 21,000 International Dollars (according to the World Development Indicators database, World Bank, updated 6 November 2014. For details see http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/GNIPC.pdf– right column).

The IAG Regional Conference in Russia is organized by IAG jointly with the Russian Association of Geomorphologists (RuAG) and will be hosted by the Altai State University. An Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists will be integrated into the post-conference fieldtrip in the form of discussions and seminars on the issues presented during the fieldtrip.
For further information on the Conference, please visit the website: http://iag2015.rurs.net/

The IAG/AIG has allocated 6,000 euros to this initiative. The amount of single grants will depend on the country of origin (or place of residence) and on estimated financial needs of the grant winners. The grants are intended to cover (at least partially) travel costs to and from Barnaul, accommodation during the Conference. In addition, the Organizing Committee will waive the Conference registration fee. The  participation in the Intensive Course included in the post-conference field-trip is highly recommended and the intention to participate in the Course has been considered as a preferential title in the selection of the applicants.

The selection of candidates has been carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee.

10 applications from 5 countries were received for the grants available.
8 applications were eligible and 2 non-eligible since the applicants were from Russia (which has a PPP over the fixed threshoid of 21,000 international dollars).

Finally, 6 IAG-grants have been awarded to the Young Geomorphologists reported below (in alphabetical order):

  1. Shreya BANDYOPADHYAY (India) Report
  2. Kapil GHOSH (India) Report
  3. Iliyan KOTSEV (Bulgaria) Report
  4. Diganta KUMAR (India) Report
  5. Archana PATIL (India) Report
  6. Yuanyuan ZHOU (China) Report


Mauro Soldati
IAG Vice-President and Training Officer