Youth Symposium “Geomorphology in Quaternary Research”, June 28th – July 1st 2022

/!\ WARNING: information here is not up-to-date anymore, please refer to this post instead.

The Inqua Peribaltic Working Group (PWG) and the Polish Association of Geomorphologists have joined the IAG to support the organisation of the First PWG Youth Symposium, an event that will take place in Władysławowo (Poland) from June 28th to July 1st 2022! Intended for Early Career Researchers, the program includes oral presentations, field trips, workshops but also friendly social events. Find the first circular here, and register before April 30th for 150 € by sending an email to The deadline for the payment and the abstract submission is also April 30th! You can also apply for an IAG grant to attend this event – more details here.


First Cameroonian Conference of Geomorphology – December 17th, 2021

The Cameroonian Association of Geomorphologists organises the First Cameroonian Conference on Geomorphology on December 17th at 7:00 AM (WAT) – attendance is free. Focused on the “Landscapes and Landforms of Cameroon“, the Conference is divided into five scientific sessions, with various subjects such as fluvial basins, human impact, volcanic landscapes, natural hazards…

Find the detailed program here, and the d-day access the Conference following this Zoom link: Additional connection details can be found here.

Auspices for the I.S. Rivers Conference (Lyon, 4-8 July 2022)

The IAG is glad to give its auspices for the 4th International Conference Integrated Sciences Rivers (I.S. Rivers), which will be held on 4-8 July 2022 in Lyon, France! This conference focuses on the sustainable development of rivers, whether they are natural or anthropomorphic. Here you will be at the forefront to hear about the most recent river management and restoration practices, decision support tools, integrating research results… in a cross-disciplinary way! More information can be found here:

The event is organised as a fully bilingual French/English event. Submit your abstract before November 26th, on the ScienceConf platform here: The selection will be made by late February, and the registrations will open in March 2022.

2nd Intensive Training Program of the Indian Young Geomorphologists Forum – 1-2 November 2021

The Indian Young Geomorphologists Forum organises its 2nd Intensive Training Programme for Young Geomorphologists on 1 & 2 November 2021. Held as an online event, you will hear talks from geomorphologists from around the world, focused on the following topics:

  • Paleoclimate and fluvial response
  • Geochronology
  • Process-based studies in glacial landscapes
  • UAV-based mapping
  • Field experiences in extreme environment
  • Career in Geomorphology

Register for free before 29th October following this link: The selected participants will be notified by email on 30th October. Find more information in the final circular, or in the detailed program!

2nd Women in Geomorphology Workshop

The IAG is glad to promote the 2nd Women in Geomorphology Workshop that will take place on 8th of March, 2022! This event, organised by the Hellenic Committee for Geomorphology and Environment – the Greek National Scientific Member of the IAG – is inspired by the International Women’s Day. The detailed programme can be found here.

Find more information, or register on the website of the Hellenic Committee for Geomorphology and Environment:

Virtual talks of the Chilean Geomorphology Society

The Chilean Geomorphology Society – the IAG NSM for Chile – is organising a cycle of virtual talks on Geomorphology, covering a wide variety of subjects. The talks are given in Spanish, and are posted on Youtube thereafter and English subtitles can be applied.

The talks you can already find on Youtube are:

The last talk of the cycle will be:

  • October 14  Storm erosion detected using coherence-InSAR in the Atacama Desert (Albert Cabré).

Second IAG GeoNorth and GeoNor Conference

The IAG is pleased to promote the Second GeoNorth and GeoNor Conference – the National Scientific Members of IAG from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This will be held as a virtual conference, on September 30th – October 1st 2021. International scientists that carry out geomorphological research in the Nordic countries, and scientists from other disciplines from the Nordic countries with interest in geomorphology are invited to participate to this virtual conference. This will include invited key lectures, scientific presentations, a session with video presentations from field works, extended scientific discussions, a networking session for early-career scientists, and GeoNorth & GeoNor business meetings.

To register, send an email to before September 1st, together with your scientific abstract, and information if you wish to show a video presentation of your field work activities. Abstracts should not exceed two pages long, should not include figures, tables and references, and should be sent as Word files. All accepted abstracts will be published in a conference volume. The registration fees are 250 NOK (24.20 €) for senior participants and 100 NOK (~ 9.70 €) for PhD and Master students – to be paid by September 15th. Further information will be sent to registered participants. Find the first circular of the conference here.

CIVIS Webinars on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

During the International Geomorphology Week 2021 (March 1-5), the CIVIS organised courses on the wide topic of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, under the auspices of the IAG. You can find the recording of the courses here, and details about the content of the courses here. A wide range of topics is covered, such as Holocene sea level changes, territorial planning, or long-term coastal landslides, and it is free!

Virtual Lectures on Geomorphology from Argentina #2

The IAG has provided its auspices for the second cycle of four lectures to be given online by Dr. Jorge Rabassa (in Spanish), in addition to the Auspices provided by our NSM – the Argentine Association of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies (AACyG). The lectures will show aspects of the geology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology and paleoenvironment of Patagonia and other regions of Argentina, with a full talk dedicated to the planet Mars. Talks will be 45min long, followed by 15min of questions from the audience. They will be given online, in Spanish, on Thursdays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th of June, from 7pm to 9pm (GMT+3).

Find the corresponding flyer here. More information at The link to the registration form can be found here. Cost: AR$550/US$8 (one talk), AR$2000/US$30 (full cycle). Note that professors, lecturers, CONICET researchers, and members of RAGF, AACYG and IAG will have a 50% discount. Funds will be to the benefit of the Fundación Bariloche.

Promoting Geodiversity Workshop

The IAG is happy to promote the event hosted by the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Promoting Geodiversity Workshop – funded by Research England’s Strategic Priorities Fund allocation to the University of Oxford.
This event takes place in the process of approval of the International Geodiversity Day by UNESCO. With an international panel of speakers, the ways we can use such a Day to promote public and private engagement will be explored. Presentations will represent a range of topics including education, outreach projects, citizen science, geoscience careers, or geohazard risk awareness.
The workshop will be held online on April 16th, 2pm (UTC+1). Register for free here:

Virtual Lectures on Geomorphology from Argentina

Together with Argentine Association of Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies (AACyG) the IAG is providing its auspices for a cycle of four lectures given in Spanish by Dr. Jorge Rabassa. This cycle of lectures will present different aspects of the geological, geomorphological, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental characteristics of regions of Argentina. Talks will be 45min long, followed by 15min of questions from the audience. They will be given in Spanish, every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm (GMT+3).

More information at The link to the registration form can be found here. Cost: AR$550/US$8 (one talk), AR$2000/US$30 (full cycle).

One-day online conference “The role of Geomorphology in Modern Society”

The IAG are pleased to announce (and provide their auspices for) a one-day conference organised by the Hellenic Committee on Geomorphology and Environment of the Geological Society of Greece, entitled “The role of Geomorphology in Modern Society. The conference will be held online on December 16th, 2020. Abstracts are welcome until 30th November, please see further details at the dedicated website:

The First GeoNorth-GeoNor Conference

The IAG was pleased to provide its auspices for the first GeoNorth-GeoNor Conference, which was held virtually from 1st to 2nd October 2020. The theme was “Geomorphology and Geomorphological Research in the Nordic Countries” and the book of abstracts can be found here. The conference had varied and exciting science talks and the IAG was pleased that its president and one of the vice-presidents were among the attendees (and are grateful for being given some time to talk about the IAG).

GeoNor and GeoNorth were formally established one year ago as National Members of the IAG. GeoNor is the Geomorphological Research Group of Norway – Geomorfologisk Forsknings Gruppe i Norge and GeoNorth is the Nordic Network of National Geomorphology Groups from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden IAG (new Nordic Regional Group).

Future meetings are planned to be in person to include fieldtrips and we are sure that this will be the first of a long-running and growing series of meetings. We are confident that these fledgling NSMs will foster collaborations between their geomorphologists and those in the wider IAG network.

Free webinar series “Using Digital Field Tools for Remote Teaching”

We are pleased to promote a series of free webinars being produced by our sister organisation the Geological Society of America.

The current scheduled webinars in this series are detailed below.

Using Google Earth for Remote Teaching, Tuesday, 16 June 2020, 11 a.m. MDT

About this Webinar:

Google Earth is a powerful, but easy-to-use platform for virtually exploring natural features around the globe. The capability to create and share custom content for Google Earth has resulted in an abundance of presentations, exercises, and virtual field trips that are available to educators. This webinar will help you integrate Google Earth into remote Earth science courses by providing background on the tool and examples of its use in geoscience classes.

In addition to the regular webinar overviewing Google Earth’s options, capabilities, and use cases, the presenters will do a follow up hands-on session two days later that will give participants a chance to work through some Google Earth activities themselves in a mentored (virtual) setting. This is a great opportunity to learn to use Google Earth the way your students would use it.


Steve Whitmeyer, James Madison University

Andrew Laskowski, Montana State University

Using Gigapan for Remote Teaching, Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 11 a.m. MDT

About this Webinar

Gigapixel panoramas are high resolution 2D images that combine ‘zoomed out’ context with the power of ‘zoomed in’ details. Applied to teaching geology remotely, they are valuable web-based tools for exploring geoscience concepts with students at scales ranging from the landscape to the outcrop to hand samples, to thin sections, to SEM. GigaPans can be embedded in webpages or desktop-based Google Earth KML tours as elements in virtual field experiences, potentially gaining power when combined with DEMs, 3D models of outcrops or samples, 360° spherical photos, or video. They can also be used as ‘virtual samples’ in times when student access to samples is limited. This webinar will cover the technical side of producing your own GigaPan images via two hardware/software packages as well as how to deploy extant CC-licensed GigaPans in your own remote teaching and outreach.


Callan Bentley, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus

Jennifer Piatek, Central Connecticut State University

Using Virtual Landscapes for Remote Teaching, Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 11 a.m. MDT

About this Webinar:

The Virtual Landscapes Project ( uses the Unity 3D game engine to create screen based simulations of real and imagined landscapes, and interactive 3D block models of geologic and topographic maps.  It aims to enhance the training students receive in geological field and map skills, and to develop 3D visualization skills. This webinar demonstrates how virtual landscapes can be used in the online geoscience classroom to recreate aspects of geologic mapping training and augment understanding of how rock units are represented on geologic maps.

In addition to the regular webinar looking at the uses of the Virtual Landscapes, the presenters will do a follow up hands-on session two days later that will give participants a chance to explore the different virtual landscapes and their potential uses for themselves in a mentored (virtual) setting.  This is a great opportunity to explore the Virtual Landscapes the way your students would experience them.


Jacqueline Houghton, University of Leeds

Mark Helper, University of Texas at Austin

Auspices for the 4th International Symposium of Living with Landscapes

The IAG are pleased to provide their auspices for the 4th International Symposium of Living with Landscapes which will be held in Dahab Egypt from 1st to 5th November 2020. Registration and abstract submission are open at the website, here. The deadline for submitting abstracts will be 10th May 2020 and for final registration payment 10th September 2020. Please find further details in the first circular, here.

Urban Geomorphology WG at Geomorphometry 2020

— UPDATE, the conference has been postponed until June 2021, please check the conference website for updates —

The Geomorphometry 2020 Conference is scheduled from 22 to 26 June 2020 in Perugia (Italy). The IAG Working Group Urban Geomorphology is encouraging submissions for the topic “Geomorphometry for urban areas and cultural heritage”.

For abstract submission and further details on the conference please see their website: and for any additional session information, please contact Laura Melelli (

Field trip registration open for 36th International Geological Congress in India

The IAG are pleased to provide their auspices for the 36th International Geological Congress on 2-8 March 2020 in Delhi, India. We draw your attention to the field trips in the programme which should be booked on registering:

Of particular interest to geomorphologists are:

Trip #5.NER005: Unfolding of Quaternary History and Associated Geoarchaeological Remains of Tripura, Northeastern India

Trip #9.ER005: The Teesta Chronicle: Tectonics – Climate and Human-Landscape Dynamics flier

Trip #11.ER008: Landslide failure mechanisms, hazard and risk scenarios in Darjeeling Himalayas

Trip #32.WR004: Thar Desert: its Evolution and Geoheritage

Trip #48.NR010: Ladakh- an archive for Quaternary landscape, climate and neotectonics

Abstract submission open for ICAR 2020, Swakopmund, Namibia 12th-17th July 2020

We are pleased to announce that abstract submission is open for the International Society for Aeolian Research Conference to held under the IAG auspices in Swakopmund, Namibia from 12th to 17th July 2020.

The biennial conference draws together delegates from across the globe researching the processes of and phenomena associated with the erosion, transport, deposition and effects of windblown sediment and landforms on Earth and other planetary bodies. Recent conferences have been held in Bordeaux (2018), Mildura (2016), and Lanzhou (2014).

ICAR 2020 will cover a broad spectrum of research topics in aeolian science and will include the following sessions:

  1. Mechanics and processes of aeolian sediment transport

Convenors: Cheryl McKenna-Neuman; Ian Walker; Andreas Baas

  1. Sand dune dynamics and processes

Convenors: Patrick Hesp; Clement Narteau; Lu Ping

  1. Dust emission, transport, deposition and effects

Convenors: Martina Klose; Richard Reynolds; James King

  1. Aeolian palaeoenvironments

Convenors: Kathryn Fitzimmons; David Thomas; Paul Hesse

  1. Anthropogenic interactions with aeolian systems

Convenors: John Leys; Nick Webb; Johannah von Holdt

  1. Planetary aeolian systems

Convenors: Ryan Ewing; Philippe Claudin; Lori Fenton

Participation is encouraged from a wide scientific base to include current research in modelling, laboratory and fieldwork environments. Register your interest on the website to receive direct updates about the conference over the coming months:

Important dates:

October 2019: call for abstracts

January 2020: deadline for abstract submission, registration opens

February 2020: selection of abstracts for presentation

April 2020: registration closes

12th July 2020: ICAR 2020 begins!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at:

The organising committee

Giles Wiggs (Oxford, UK)

Joanna Nield (Southampton, UK)

Matthew Baddock (Loughborough, UK)

Frank Eckardt (Cape Town, SA)

Greg Okin (UCLA, USA)

Martin Hipondoka (UNAM, Namibia)

First Circular of the 31st IGI Conference 12-14 Nov 2019, University of North Bengal India

The first circular is available here for the 31st Annual Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) on Applications of Geospatial Technology in Geomorphology and Environment will be held 12-14 November, 2019 at the University of North Bengal in India.

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Closes 30th September, 2019
Abstracts Submission by 30th September, 2019
Acceptance Notification 15th October, 2019
Full Paper Submission 31st October, 2019

For updates see the IGI website:

The International Rock Coast 2020 Conference 27-28 August Trieste, Italy

The conference is organized by the IAG Working Group Rock Coasts and AiGEO – Associazione Italiana Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia. The meeting is intended as a forum to discuss advances in the study of rock coasts and will include a range of presentations relevant to the Conference theme. The organizing committee will review proposed papers and posters titles and abstracts, and, if successful the author(s) will be invited to present their work at the Conference.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: 01 December 2019

Acceptance of abstracts: 20 December 2019

Early registration: 01 December 2019 – 16 July 2020

Regular registration: 25 July 2020 – 14 August 2020

On-site registration: August 2020

Please see their website or facebook for more information.

Second Circular of 16th East Eurasia International Workshop on…

The IAG is providing its auspices for the 16th East Eurasia International Workshop on Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia to be held at the Library Conference Hall of National University of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar on 16-20 September 2019.

The purpose of the Workshop is to exchange modern and historical environmental information in East Asia region for clarifying “Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia” for the better understanding of Earth landscape and climate evolution.The 16th East Eurasia International Workshop aims to provide a forum for accessing to the most up-to-date and authoritative research from Quaternary geology, sedimentology, geography, geomorphology and environmental sciences.

The submission deadline for abstracts is 15th July 2019 and the registration fees are 500 US$.

Please find details in the second circular here.

The 4th International Symposium on Danxia Landform 18-22 August 2019

The IAG Working Group on Red Beds and Danxia Geomorphology is hosing the 4th International Symposium on Danxia Landform (joint with the 19th National Academic Symposium of Red Beds and Danxia Landform Yan’an Tourism Development Conference) from 18-22 August 2019 in Yan’an, Shaanxi, China. All papers (and abstracts) should be submitted to the conference liaison office via e-mail before July 20, 2019 with the maximum length of eight A4 pages (including figures and tables). For further details on the conference please see the first announcement here.

IAG provides auspices for 16th East Eurasia International Workshop on…

The IAG is providing its auspices for the 16th East Eurasia International Workshop on Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia to be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 16-20 September 2019.

The purpose of the Workshop is to exchange modern and historical environmental information in East Asia region for clarifying “Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia” for the better understanding of Earth landscape and climate evolution.The 16th East Eurasia International Workshop aims to provide a forum for accessing to the most up-to-date and authoritative research from Quaternary geology, sedimentology, geography, geomorphology and environmental sciences.

Please find a copy of the first circular here.

8th Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days

The abstract submission is now open for the VIII Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days supported by the IAG. The meeting will focus on “Sharing experiences on geomorphological research in different morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environments”. It will take place from 26th to 28th June 2019. The meeting comprises 2 days of scientific presentations (26th and 27th June) at the prestigious Sala Napoleonica of the University of Milan, and 1 day (28th June) will be dedicated to the fieldtrip in the Veny Valley (Mont Blanc Massif) focusing on mountain environments dynamics, mapping and monitoring, guided by University of Turin.

All the information will be posted on the AIGeo website:

A copy of the First Announcement can be found here.

For abstract submission, information and any other issues, please contact:

30th National Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists 3-5th October, 2018

Coming soon the 30th National Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) being held in New Delhi 03-05 October, 2018. The focal theme is “Geomorphology, Environment and Society” and the event is organized by Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia. Participants are requested to send their abstracts by 15th August, 2018 and after acceptance, full papers for publication in the conference proceedings need to be received by 20th September, 2018.

For more details and link to abstract submission, see here.

8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks September 8 th -14 th, 2018 – Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino

IAG are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks to be held September 8 th -14 th, 2018 at Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino.

The programme includes talks, posters and fieldtrips. The abstract deadline is 15th April 2018 and more information can be found here:

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