Inaugural meeting of IGU-IAG Joint Commission/Working Group on Anthropocene Geomorphology

Reminder of the Inaugural meeting of IGU-IAG Joint Commission/Working Group on: Anthropocene Geomorphology: Geo-archaeology, Geomorphology and Society

Date: 7-8 April 2018 (before EGU)

Venue: Vienna University, Department of Geography, Universitätsstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna


  1. to kick off the activities of the new commission;
  2. to address the importance to society
  3. to plan activities for the next four years

If you are interested to join the meeting and/or the IGU-IAG joint commission/working group, contact Prof. Jiun-Chuan Lin ( and Margreth Keiler ( We will accept 30-40 participants to join the meeting.

Program of the meeting:

Workshop on Saturday April 7th 2018


9:00-9:15 Welcome and Introduction to the meeting
9:15- 10:30 Block 1: 5 min input of each participant (max. 1 slide) to following questions (we will take notes)

·       What are your main research topics in the context of geomorphology and society?

·       Why are you interested to contribute to the joint IGU/IAG commission on …?

10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-12:15 Block 2:  5 min input of each participant
12:15-12:30 Summary of expertise and interests to contribute to IGU/IAG commission – Short discussion
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:40 World Café Discussion:

·       Introduction and aims to/of world café discussion (10 min)

·       Which are the main topics we would like to have addressed and focused on in the joint commission à aims (15 min)

·       How can we cooperate within the joint commission to reach the different aims (15 min)

·       What should be the output of the joint commission after four years? How can we disseminate the results (15 min)

·       Preparation of poster answering the three questions (15 min)

14:40 -15:00 Short coffee break
15:00-15:45 5-7 min presentation of the results by different groups
15:45-16:30 Overall discussion and summary of different results
16:30-17:00 Discussion next steps
19:00- ·       Conference dinner


Field trip on Sunday April 8th 2018

  • Topics are general introduction to geological and geomorphological setting, human-nature interactions (agriculture, settlement development), floods, fluvial terraces and valley development.During the field trip we will first use public transport to the foothills of the Vienna forest (overview of Vienna and beyond), walk downhill towards the city to the Danube River, and take public transport to further stops.



  1. Participants should register for this meeting and prepare their presentation in one ppt slide (5 minutes talk max.)
  2. Registration is free. However participants need to arrange their own accommodation and lunch during workshop.
  3. There is a dinner on 7 April, please book with the registration form if you are available to join.

8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks September 8 th -14 th, 2018 – Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino

IAG are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks to be held September 8 th -14 th, 2018 at Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino.

The programme includes talks, posters and fieldtrips. The abstract deadline is 15th April 2018 and more information can be found here:

Reports from the 9th International Conference on Geomorphology in New Delhi now available

The 9th International Conference on Geomorphology (9th ICG) was held from 6 to 11 November 2017 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The ICG is the official conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) and is held once in every four years.

A report on the overall conference is available here.

A report on the post-conference IAG-EGU Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists
‘Geomorphology Field Training in tectonically active mountain regions’ held 12-16 November 2017 can be found here.

A report on the post conference fieldtrip to Nepal run by Prof. Monique Fort (Paris Diderot University), with the support of Dr. Basanta Raj Adhikari (Tribhuvan University, Nepal) and Prof. Narendra Raj Khanal (Tribhuvan University, Nepal) can be found here.

19th Joint Geomorphological Meeting (Italy-Romania-France-Belgium-Greece) & 34th Romanian National Symposium on Geomorphology

On May 16-20, 2018, the Romanian Association of Geomorphologists, the Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy and  Bucharest University, Faculty of Geography are organizing the 19th Joint Geomorphological Meeting (Italy-Romania-France-Belgium-Greece) together with the 34th Romanian National Symposium on Geomorphology.
More details at this link:

Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences: Connecting disciplines

Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quarternary Sciences

23. – 27. September 2018, Giessen / Germany
The conference is organized by the German Association on Geomorphology and the German Quaternary Association and will be hosted by the Department of Geography, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen near Frankfurt / Germany. The conference is thought bringing together the closely related disciplines of Quaternary Sciences and Geomorphology, both dealing with the earth surface, its processes and related sediments.
The conference will present cutting edge research from both disciplines with their specific and individual perspectives. Oral presentations and poster sessions will be accompanied by a number of keynote lectures. Pre- and post-conference field trips and a public evening lecture will complement the scientific program.

The conference is open to all scientists interested in Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences and especially young scientists are invited to participate!We are very much looking forward to welcome you in Giessen,

Markus Fuchs,
on behalf of the organizing committee

9th International Conference on Geomorphology – New Delhi, India – November 6-11, 2017

news– IAG GRANTS FOR 9th ICG–news

23 Young Geomorphologists from 10 less-favoured countries worldwide will be granted, which is a great achievement for the IAG. These Young Geomorphologists come from Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq and Mexico.

All the IAG-grants holders will take part in the post-conference IAG-EGU Intensive Course, also thanks to the funding of 3000 euros that we will receive from the EGU.

Among the IAG-grant holders the GFG (French Geomorphology Group) will indicate the Tricart Scholar 2017IAG would like to recall that the GFG supported the IAG grant programme offering 1500 euros.

In addition, 2 Early career researchers (from Germany and Costa Rica) will be granted in the frame of the IPA-IAG Agreement (IAG will offer free registration in the Conference and Intensive Course and IPA will provide a budget of 300 euros).

IAG was able to offer free registration in the 9th ICG to the granted Young Geomorphologists thanks to the outstanding efforts made by Prof. Sunil Kumar De and the Conference Organizers (only one YG will not receive free registration, but this was his choice).

The Conference Organizing Committee and Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI), on behalf of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG), have the pleasure in inviting you to participate in the scientific, social and tour programme in the Ninth International Conference on Geomorphology (9th ICG), New Delhi, INDIA. The Conference will take place at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India during November 6-11, 2017.

The main theme of this Conference is “Geomorphology and Society” and will include scientific sessions, keynote lectures and a Workshop devoted to Young Geomorphologists.

Field trips will be arranged in various parts of India and neighboring countries, before, during and after the Conference.

For more details about the Conference please visit:

First Circular

IAG ELECTIONS in New Delhi: message from the General Secretary

Dear fellow Geomorphologists, Executives of the National Scientific Members,
Please find herewith the candidatures for the new IAG-EC and the proposal for the International and Regional Conferences of the IAG/AIG, to be elected by the IAG-Council at the occasion of the 9th International Conference on Geomorphology in New Delhi, India in November, 2017:
Name of the Candidates
President  ( 1 Post)
1.      Prof. Mauro Soldati
2.      Prof. Xiaoping Yang
Vice Presidents (3 Posts)
1.      Prof. Sunil Kumar De
2.      Prof. Francisco Gutierrez
3.      Prof. Susan Conway
Secretary General (1 Post)
1.       Prof. Mihai Micu
Treasurer (1 Post)
1.      Prof. Emmanuel Reynard
Publication Officer (1 Post)
1.      Prof. Kosmas Pavlopoulos
                 – International Conference 2021: PORTUGAL
                 – Regional Conference 2019: GREECE and IRAN
Voting will take place during the Council Meetings, the agendas of which will be send in due time. 
However, according to the IAG-Constitution, any member country that will not be present for a vote in person may submit its views and vote in advance by mail (deadline: October, 31, 2017). In this case that member country will be regarded as being present for the purposes of the quorum for the vote. The ballot paper will be send by email by the second week of October, 2017.
The candidatures will be presented during the First Council Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 07/11/2017 (16:30 – 19:00), the election itself will take place during the Second Council Meeting on Friday 10/11/2017 (16:30 – 19:00).
May I draw your attention on following stipulations of the IAG-Constitution:
1. “Continuous record of payment of membership fees (or presentation of a report for some countries) is necessary to acquire full voting rights”,
2. “the Council shall consist of the voting representative of each National Scientific Member or their Authorized deputy (= National Delegate)”.
Make sure you fulfill both conditions:
1. by checking your financial/report status with the Treasurer (Morgan De Dapper
IAG-Treasurer <>),
2. by confirming/changing/completing the attached provisional list of National Delegates and sending it not later than September 30, 2017 to the Secretary (Sunil Kumar De <>).
Deadlines to respect:
September 30, 2017: communication of National Delegates.
October 31, 2017:  votes by mail in advance.
Looking forward to meet you in Delhi, India.
Kindest regards,
Sunil Kumar De
IAG/AIG- Secretary General 

Conference Communicating Geoparks: How local involvement makes a better tomorrow possible? Inaugural conference of Taiwan International Geopark Symposium Taipei, Taiwan, 29 September-3 October, 2017

The purpose of this inaugural Taiwan International Geopark Symposium (TIGS) is to promote geoparks through a wide range of bottom-­‐up mechanism and processes. In particular oral presentations and posters related to the following themes, are welcome:

1. Geo-conservation and conservation techniques

2. Geo‐Hazards and hazard mitigation

3. Geo­‐education and interpretation programs

4. Geo­‐tourism, bringing policy in to practice

5. Geo­‐Communal endeavors and societal changes


Deadline for abstract submission is February 17, 2017

 1st Circular

International Conference on “Managing Mediterranean Mountain Geoheritage” – Manteigas, Central Portugal, 6-7 May 2017

The conference includes a full-day with oral and poster communications, and key-note lectures and one-day field trip in the Serra da Estrela Aspiring Geopark.

Oral and poster presentations on Mediterranean mountains on the following topics, are welcome:

– Geoheritage as a catalyser of scientific research;

– Advances in geoheritage: research and applications;

– Good practices on managing geoheritage;

– Innovation in mountain tourism and sustainability;

– Geotourism: success stories;

– Promoting endogenous products;

– Empowering women;

– Education and outreach in the geosciences.


Deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2017


For more information, check:

International Workshop on Urban Geomorphological Heritage – Rome, Italy, 27-29 October 2016

Co-organised by the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia and the University of Lausanne, under the auspices of the Working Group on Geomorphosites of International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG), the European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage (ProGEO), the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGEO) and the Associazione Italiana di Geologia e Turismo, this workshop aims at sharing research and methods on urban geomorphological heritage.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • geomorphological analysis in urban environment
  • methodologies for the assessment and mapping of urban geomorpho-sites
  • urban geotourism
  • interpretation and popularization of urban geomorphosites
  • relationships between cultural and geomorphological heritage in cities
  • conservation of geoheritage and urban growth
  • geoheritage and urban planning

1st Circular


Workshop on “Seafloor exploration and surveying techniques for the Earth Sciences: the state-of-the-art” at the 35th International Geological Congress 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa


Sunday 28 August 2016


Aaron Micallef

Organized in the frame of the 35th International Geological Congress 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa, this course will cover the state-of-the-art, principles and methodologies of seafloor and sub-seafloor surveying and exploration relevant to the Earth Sciences. Participants will be introduced to a range of geophysical, visual and seabed sampling techniques, as well as commercial and open-source software for data manipulation, processing and visualisation. By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the basic theoretical concepts and operational foundation of seafloor mapping, which will be relevant for both commercial and academic assignments.

For further details, please visit:

The 33rd International Geographical Congress “Shaping Our Harmonious Worlds” – August 21-25, 2016 – Beijing, China

33rd IGC, August 21-25, 2016 – Beijing, China

The theme of the 2016 Congress is Shaping Our Harmonious Worlds, which highlights today’s common pursuit for harmony between humankind and nature, between environment and society, and for harmonious approaches to the world’s hazards and conflicts. Under this theme, five Congress key topics will be focused, parallel to the quadrennial meeting of the IGU commissions and task forces. In addition, a rich variety of field excursions will be organized so as to provide participants a chance to appreciate some of the unique natural features and cultural traditions of this ancient and modern country.

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) is a scientific organisation, whose principal objectives are the development and promotion of geomorphology as a science through international cooperation and dissemination of knowledge of geomorphology. It will organise four Geomorphology sessions at the 33rd International Geographical Congress with the aim to strengthen links between geomorphologists and the community of Geographers.

Click here for more details on the IAG proposed sessions!

Littoral 2016 “The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change” – October 24-27, 2016 – Biarritz, France

Littoral 2016 “The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change” – October 24-27, 2016 – Biarritz, France

13thconference of the traditional biennial international event of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). This NPO/NGO was founded in 1989 to promote coastal conservation and sustainable development. It wanted to bridge the gap between scientists, environmentalists, site managers, planners and policy makers. It is presently the largest network of coastal experts in Europe with 15 national branches and several regional offices (the last one “EUCC-Centre Atlantique” was created in 2015 in Biarritz). EUCC-France, the French branch, is proud to organize this conference in Biarritz.

1st Circular

5th National Meeting of the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo) – Cagliari, Italy, September 28-30, 2015


The Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo) organizes every tree years a National Conference. The 5th Conference will be held in Cagliari from 28 to 30 September 2015.


AIGeo gives a large importance to the growth of young researches and periodically organizes a Young Geomorphologists’ Day. The aim of this event is to support young researchers’ growth also through direct exchanges of scientific results and research methods in Geomorphology. The 5th AIGeo National Conference will also host the:

6th Young Geomorphologist’s Day


IAG Regional Conference – Barnaul, Russia, July 2-4, 2015 – CONFERENCE MATERIAL TO DOWNLOAD!

The IAG Regional Conference 2015 on Gradualism vs catastrophism in landscape evolution will be held in Barnaul, Russia, July 2-4, 2015. The Conference is organized by IAG jointly with the Russian Association of Geomorphologists (RuAG) and will be hosted by the Altai State University.

Intensive course for young geomorphologists (ICYD) will be integrated into the post-conference fieldtrip in the form of discussions and seminars on the issues presented during the fieldtrip. ICYD teachers: Pavel BORODAVKO (Tomsk State University, Russia), Paul CARLING (Southampton University, Great Britain), Juergen HERGET, (Bonn University, Germany). IAG grants will be offered to Young Geomorphologists from less favoured countries of Asia and Europe who will take part in the Conference + Post-conference field trip (including Intensive Course). Call for Grants is expected in January 2015.

For more information visit the Conference website

1st Circular | 2nd Circular

link to the Extended Abstracts:


link to the Field-trip Guide:


link to the Russian Altai Selected Papers:


link to the Conference and Field-trip photos (courtesy of Katya Matlakhova):


8th ICG – Paris, August 27-31, 2013

The 8th International Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) took place in Paris at the Cité des Sciences de La Villettefrom August 27 to 31, 2013. The main topic of this 8th Conference was “Geomorphology and Sustainability”. Organized by the Groupe Français de Géomorphologie (GFG) and open to all scientists and practitioners, this Conference included 26 scientific sessions, 5 key-note lectures and one Workshop devoted to Young Geomorphologists. Fourteen field trips in various parts of France and neighbouring countries have been attended by the participants.

20 Young Geomorphologists have been supported with grants offered by IAG.

Addis Ababa 2011

The IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology for Human Adaptation to Changing Tropical Environments held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 18-22 February 2011. The Conference promoted exchange of studies and methods for the investigation of tropical geomorphology in connection with different effects of global environmental changes.

International Cooperation – Talk 1 | International Cooperation – Talk 2 | Field Guide for MER | Field Guide for NEH | Field Guide for AFAR | Final Report on the IAG RCG-2011 | Conference program | Abstract Volume of the IAG RCG-2011 | Report on the IAG Intensive Course

Recommendation: please remember to mention the source when you utilize the material contained in the Guidebooks.

Brasov 2008

IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology Landslides, Floods and Global Environmental Change in Mountain Regions was held in Brasov, Romania, 15-25 September 2008 . The Conference promoted exchange of studies and methods for the investigation of landslides, floods and associated geomorphic processes in connection with different effects of global environmental changes. Over 150 people from 30 countries attended and Professor Dan Balteanu and his Romanian colleagues are to be congratulated on providing a very full and successful programme of lectures, workshops, field trips and social activities.

The IAG offered 3 grants for YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS world-wide (except Romania). The IAG Selection Committee have been awarded to the following:


  • Rou-Fei CHEN – Taiwan
  • Marko KHOV – Estonia
  • Tri VAN – Vietnam/UK



Longyearbyen 2007

IAG Regional Conference on Geodiversity of polar landforms was held in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, Norway, August 1-5, 2007

International Polar Year 2007/08 is a good reason to get interested in the polar regions of the Earth, to undertake research in glacial, periglacial and paraglacial areas important from a scientific, a methodological and a utilitarian point of view.

The IAG offered 2 grants for YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS for non-EU East Euorpean countries. The IAG Selection Committee have been awarded to the following:

  1. Veronika KAPRALOVA – Russia
  2. Nina LONCAR – Croatia

Conference Publication – Landform Analysis


Kota Kinabalu 2007

IAG Regional Conference on Environmental Change in the Tropics was held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, June 25-29, 2007

Tropical Asia Pacific is of critical importance to global environmental change. The region is undergoing rapid development, land cover transformation and urbanisation. Against this backdrop of rapid transformation, geomorphology can make contributions in many different ways.


International Colloquium “OL’MAN RIVER” – GEO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASPECTS of RIVERS and RIVER PLAINS – Ghent, Belgium, 22-24 September 2006

The first two days of the colloquium speakers of different countries will present (in English and French) interdisciplinary case studies from a wide time-frame. The geographical context is not limited but focus will be on the Mediterranean area. Simultaneously an important poster session will be organised. On the optional third day, a geo-archaeological excursion in Flanders is programmed.

Gioiania 2006

IAG Regional Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Geomorphology: processes, methods and techniques was held in Goiania, Brazil, September 6-10, 2006.

Main objective of the conference is the discussion on geomorphological studies and techniques related to humid and wet-dry tropical and subtropical environments.

Darjeeling & Sikkim Himalayas 2004

The Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) organized the IAG Symposium on Geomorphology & Environment (27th-29th February, 2004) and International Workshop on Landslides in Darjeeling & Sikkim Himalayas, India (1st-6th March, 2004).
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Sunil Kumar De
Rameshpally, 11 No. Rail Gate, Nabapally, Barasat, Kolkata – 700 126, INDIA, phone (Re): +91-33-2542-7159, mobile: +91-94341-15485, fax: +91-33-2826-3164, E-mail

Mexico City 2003

The IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphic hazards: towards the prevention of disasters was held in Mexico City from October 27th to November 2nd, 2003.

The Conference was aimed to geomorphologists and professionals in related disciplines interested in geomorphic hazards, and environmental topics related to disasters, to exchange techniques, experience, knowledge, and ideas in geomorphic hazards and related issues in an effective and friendly atmosphere.

Paricutin Field Trip report | Sierra Norte de Puebla Field Trip report

Dornbirn 2002

IAG Symposium on the Relationships between man and the mountain environment in terms of geomorphological hazards and human impact in Europe,
Dornbirn (Austria), 14 July 2002

Within the framework of the “Year of the mountains”, an IAG SYMPOSIUM was held in Dornbirn (Vorarlberg, Austria) on Sunday 14 July 2002, thus linking the foregoing UNESCO Summer School with the CERG Intensive Course.

CERG-Intensive Course


Addis Abeba 2002

The United Nations has proclaimed 2002 as the International Year of Mountains (IYM) to increase international awareness of the global importance of mountain ecosystems. In this frame, the IAG International Symposium on ‘Climate Changes, Active Tectonics and Related Geomorphic Effects in High Mountain Belts and Plateaux‘ was a tools to understand the triggering factors and the evolution of extreme natural events due to climate variability and seismic/volcanic phenomena, in order to assess and mitigate natural hazards.

Conference was co-sponsored by INQUA Commission on Neotectonics W.G. ‘Mountain Building’, Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology and Belgian Association of Geomorphologists.

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