IAG Grants for the 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (Coimbra, Portugal), 12-16 September 2022

The 10th International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG 2022) is organised on 12-16 September by the IAG, the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists (APGeom), co-organised by the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT), the Department of Geography and Tourism (University of Coimbra) and the Department of Earth Sciences (University of Coimbra), and co-sponsored by the European Geoscience Union (EGU) – find details here.

The IAG, the EGU and the French Geomorphology Group (GFG) offer respectively 15,000€, 6,000€ and 1,500€ as grants for Young Geomorphologists to attend this event in person. Note that:

  • priority will be given to Young Geomorphologists from less-favoured countries worldwide, and to applicants who intend to participate in the Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists;
  • applications from candidates who already received one or more IAG grants totaling 500€ or more in the past 3 years will not be eligible;
  • in recognition of the outstanding research carried out by the French geomorphologist Jean Tricart (1920-2003) in Latin America, Africa and Asia, one of the grant holders from these regions will be designated as the Tricart Scholar.

Candidates for this IAG Grant are requested to submit the following files before 15th May:

  1. application form (.doc / .pdf);
  2. copy of valid passport of identity card;
  3. short CV (maximum 2 pages long), including up to 10 papers related to the Conference themes;
  4. abstract submitted (or to be submitted) to the Conference.

Files should be submitted to:

Marta Della Seta, IAG Training Officer
iaggrantoffice@gmail.com (e-mail subject: “IAG Grant – ICG Coimbra 2022”)
The selection of candidates will be carried out by a Commission appointed by the IAG Executive Committee. For further information on the IAG Grants, feel free to contact the IAG Training Officer.

ICG2022 abstract deadline extended to 20th April 2022

Taking into account the uncertain situation in Europe and the rapidly evolving pandemic, it has been decided to extend the abstract deadline to 20th April for the International Conference on Geomorphology to be held in person in Coimbra, Portugal from 12-16 September 2022.

Details on the thematic sessions and conference can be found here: https://www.icg2022.eu/

We’d like to draw the attention of Early Career researchers that grants will be provided to attend the conference and the Intensive Course to be held after the conference – details coming soon on the IAG and ICG websites.

The ICG will not only be a scientific event, we will be electing the new IAG Executive Committee and voting on bids to host IAG regional and international conferences in 2022-2026. For those interested, please note that the deadline for nominations (details here) and bids (details here and here) is mid-June.

International Geomorphology Week 2022: registration open!

The IAG is pleased to announce that registration is now open for all regional webinars of the International Geomorphology Week 2022 (28th February – 4th March)! Remember that anyone is welcome to attend any webinar, and that there are many other events organised under the auspices of the IAG during this week!

Find the list of the events and their programmes here, and register to regional webinars on our Eventbrite page here.

The International Geomorphology Week 2021 Webinars are online!

During the last International Geomorphology Week in 2021, the IAG recorded five online webinars: Australia & New Zealand, Central-Eastern Europe, Iberia, South & West Asia and Western Europe, British and Irish Isles. These recordings have just been edited and are now available on the IAG Youtube channel – see the playlist “International Geomorphology Week 2021”. You can easily find a talk you missed among the many excellent ones that made this event so successful!

Call for Abstracts – 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 12-16 Sept 2022

The 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology will take place in Coimbra, Portugal on 12-16th September 2022 – more information here.

From now and until March 14th, 13:00 CET, you can submit an abstract to one of the 25 scientific sessions here, and get more information on how to submit your abstract by clicking here!

The scientific sessions are:

  1. General and Historic Geomorphology
  2. Methods and Techniques in Geomorphology
  3. Experimental Geomorphology
  4. Geomorphological Mapping, GIS, Remote Sensing and Modelling
  5. Forms, Processes and Landscape Change
  6. Climatic Geomorphology
  7. Mountain Geomorphology
  8. Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
  9. Tectonic and Seismic Geomorphology
  10. Fluvial Geomorphology
  11. Aeolian Geomorphology
  12. Marine and coastal geomorphology
  13. Volcanic Geomorphology
  14. Karst Geomorphology
  15. Weathering, Soils and Landforms
  16. Biogeomorphology and Wetlands
  17. Applied Geomorphology
  18. Hillslope Processes and Landforms
  19. Geomorphological Hazards and Risk Management
  20. Wildfires and Soil Erosion
  21. Sustainability in Geomorphology: Anthropocene and Urban Geomorphology
  22. Geoarchaeology
  23. Connectivity in Geomorphology
  24. Geoheritage, Cultural Geomorphology and Geotourism
  25. Planetary Geomorphology

10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology – 12-16 Sept 2022

The 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology will take place in Coimbra, Portugal on 12-16th September 2022, on the wide topic of “Geomorphology and Global Change“. 25 Thematic Sessions are planned, covering a wide range of subjects from Experimental Geomorphology, to Wildfires and Soil Erosion, to Geoarchaeology to Planetary Geomorphology. There will be 4 fieldtrips prior to the conference, and 4 other ones after the conference. A one-day mid-conference fieldtrip (on 14th) is also planned. These fieldtrips will allow participants to discover the geomorphologically rich surroundings of Coimbra, and many other Portuguese geomorphological sites of interest… Find more detailed information as it becomes available at the conference website https://www.icg2022.eu/.

If you are interested in participating, please help us to plan for the conference by filling in this online form!

Read more

IAG Regional Webinars for International Geomorphology Week

1-7 March 2021 is International Geomorphology Week and to celebrate the IAG has scheduled regional webinars all over the world with series of short talks from talented early (and a few less-early) career researchers on topics spanning the whole field of geomorphology! Anyone from any country can register for free for any webinar – details on the speakers and schedules can be at this page! Feel free to dip in and out or join for the whole duration of a webinar, its up to you!

(times in CET unless noted)

1st March 07:30 – 11:30 (13:00 – 17:00 IST) South & West Asia
1st March 12:00 – 16:30 Iberia
1st March 15:00 – 17:00 Central & Western Europe
2nd March 09:00 – 13:00 Africa
2nd March 14:00 – 16:00 & 16:30 – 18:30 UK, Ireland, France, Italy
3rd March 13:00 – 17:00 Northern Europe
4th March 03:00-06:00 (10:00-12:00 UTC+8, 15:00-18:00 UTC+13) Australia and New Zealand
4th March 13:00-16:30 & 18:00-21:00 (9:00-12:30 14:00 – 17:00 UTC-3) South & Central America
4th March 14:00-18:35 CET Central-Eastern Europe
4th March 18:00 – 21:30 CET (09:00 – 12:30 PST / 12:00 – 15:30 ET) North America and Costa Rica
6th March 6:00-9:00 UTC (15:00-18:00 JST / 14:00-17:00 SST) East and South East Asia

Register for free at our eventbrite page here.

We hope to “see you” all at one or more of the webinars!

Registration is open for the IAG regional webinars 1-7th March 2021!

Please join us for one or more of the IAG’s regional webinars being held as half-day events in the week of 1-7th March, register now at our eventbrite page here to receive the webinar details by email (places are limited)! Regions indicate the National Scientific Members to which the speakers belong and the timezone, but anyone from any country is welcome to attend any webinar! In consultation with our National Scientific Members speakers have been invited who have diverse geomorphological backgrounds with the aim to highlight new talents and emerging themes across the geomorphological community.

The webinars are part of International Geomorphology Week (#IntGeomorphWeek2021) whose aim is to promote geomorphology in all its forms!

For a full listing of events and detailed programmes as they become available check out our dedicated page: http://www.geomorph.org/international-geomorphology-week-2021/

New dates for IAG conferences and Executive Committee term

The Council of the International Association of Geomorphologists, comprised of its National Scientific Members convened virtually on 19 January 2021. 48 people were in attendance with 35 NSM who cast votes (>70% of the membership). Three important decisions were taken which will shape the actions of the IAG until 2022:

1. The Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Mashhad, Iran will be rescheduled to Spring 2022

2. The International Conference on Geomorphology in Coimbra will now be held 12-16 September 2022

3. The Executive Committee’s term will be extended to allow elections to be held in person at the ICG in September 2022.

As a consequence the IAG’s working group terms will be extended to the ICG in September 2022. After this date the four-year cycle will be re-established with the next ICG being held in 2026.

We would like to thank the national delegates for their participation in this meeting and all the National Scientific Members for their ongoing support.

In order to compensate for the lack of in-person IAG meetings, we are proud to present the inaugural IAG Regional Webinars which will be held during International Geomorphology Week 1-7 March 2021 and we encourage you all to attend! Details as they become available will be posted here.

Update on IAG Conferences, Working Groups & Executive Committee Status

After careful deliberation of the IAG Executive Committee, we will be calling an extraordinary (online) meeting of the IAG Council (comprising the National Scientific Members) on the 19th of January 2021 in order to propose and discuss:
  • Postponement of the Regional Conference on Geomorphology (RCG) in Mashad, Iran to Spring 2022 following the recommendations of the local organisers;
  • Postponement of the International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG) in Coimbra, Portugal to September 2022 following the recommendations of the local organisers; and
  • Extension of the current IAG Executive Committee’s term up to and including the postponed International Conference on Geomorphology so elections can be held in person.

In addition, if the postponement of the ICG is approved we will ask for the Council’s approval for extension of the term of the ongoing Working Groups. We will also recommend that the next committee’s term comprises 4 years terminating in an ICG to be held in 2026.

These proposals and recommendations take into account the huge level of uncertainty involved in the organization of large events, including the well-being of conference attendees, the fact that field visits are integral to the success of our geomorphology conferences, the economic situation of participants and hosts, the provision of adequate recompense (intellectual, strategic and financial) for the local organizers putting in the hard work to host the conference, plus the longer term success of the IAG as an organisation and these arguments will be detailed during the Council Meeting.
Each NSM has been invited to send a delegate to the Council Meeting, if you think you should have been invited but have not received an email, please get in touch!
An announcement of the decisions at this meeting will be circulated shortly afterwards on the website and via geomorph-list.

Launching International Geomorphology Week 2021


International Geomorphology Week is celebrated during the first week of March of each year. Its aim is to promote geomorphology in all its forms, and mobilise the geomorphological community in general. Any geomorphology-themed activities held during this week can be declared a part of the International Geomorphology Week.

The first International Geomorphology Week was held in 2020 and despite the Covid-19 pandemic a few successful initiatives took place, including the Intensive Programme for the Young Geomorphologists of India (see: http://www.geomorph.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IGI-YGF-Training-Programme-2020-Circular.pdf).

For International Geomorphology Week 2021 the IAG will be organising regional geomorphology webinars, so please watch out for future announcements!

We are also keen for IAG National Scientific Members and Working Groups, academic institutions and research teams to organise their own events in 2021. We encourage initiatives around the theme of Women in Geomorphology, because in 2021 International Women’s Day falls within International Geomorphology Week. The type of events can be diverse (conferences, meetings, lectures, round tables, intensive courses etc.). So, please get in touch with us (internationalgeomorphologyweek2021@geomorph.org) and start planning your 2021 event now! We aim to make this week a focus for the geomorphological community, so all ideas and initiatives are very welcome.

Summary of IAG-related Covid-19 affected events

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following meetings in which IAG is involved have the following changes:

Events with IAG auspices and IAG grants



International Conference on Permafrost 2020 China 22-26 June 2020 http://icop2020.csp.escience.cn/ Postponed to 20-24 June 2022
Geomorphometry 2020 Italy 22-26 June 2020 http://geomorphometry2020.org/ Postponed to June 2021
International Rock Coast 2020 Italy 27-28 Aug. 2020 http://www.irc2020.it/ Postponed to August 2022
IAG RCG Mashhad Iran 26-28 Oct 2020 https://rcg2020.um.ac.ir/index.php/en/ Postponed to a date which will be decided (tentative: Spring 2021)
International Symposium and Field Workshop  “Living with Landscapes” Egypt 1-5 Nov. 2020 http://www.dahab2020.com/ No change as yet


Events with IAG auspices, but no grants



36th International Geological Congress India 2-8 March 2020 https://www.36igc.org/ Postponed to 9-14 November 2020
The role of Geomorphology in Modern Society Greece 26 April 2020 Postponed to a date which will be announced
First Cameroonian Conference on Geomorphology (CCG1) “Landscape and Landforms of Cameroon” Cameroon 29 Sept –2 Oct 2020 Postponed to a date which will be announced
International Conference on Aeolian Research Namibia 12-17 July 2020 http://www.aeolianresearch.com/meetings.html Postponed to 4-9 July 2021
First joint Meeting of the newly formed National Norwegian Geomorphology Group (GeoNor) and Nordic Network of National Geomorphology Groups from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (GeoNorth) Norway 1-2 Oct 2020 Decision to be taken by end of June
Present Earth Surface Processes and Long-term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia China 19-23 Oct 2020 Postponed to a date which will be announced

Postponed: IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology, Mashad Iran

The IAG Executive Committee has been following the ongoing pandemic situation closely and together with the local organising committee has made the difficult decision to postpone the IAG Regional Conference on Geomorphology, which was planned to be held in Mashhad, Iran, in October 2020. Hoping for an improvement in the situation towards the beginning of next year, and in consensus with the local organizers, who are carefully evaluating all the logistic and scientific requirements of a successful meeting, we have decided to postpone RCG Mashhad to the spring of 2021. We will closely monitor the evolution of the pandemic, and, according to the official health recommendations and future scenarios, we will decide upon the most suitable period, which will be communicated to you during summer 2020.

We hope that this message finds you and all your loved ones safe and well during these tense and challenging times. As all international scientific communities, we are currently facing a lot of uncertainties induced by the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1st Announcement for 10th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology 6-10 Sept 2021

The 10th International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) will take place in Coimbra (Portugal) from 6th to 10th September 2021, under the theme ‘Geomorphology and Global Change’. We anticipate a bustling scientific programme representing the latest innovations in theoretical, methodological and applied approaches in geomorphology. The organisers, APGeom, are proud that the conference will be in Coimbra – a medium-sized city, rich in history and heritage, and strongly connected with its University, one of the oldest in Europe (730 years old) and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2013. Our programme will include opportunities to explore the diverse geomorphology of Portugal – from the mountains of Minho, through the Central Cordillera, passing carbonate and karstified massifs, quartzitic mountains and by the plateaus of “Meseta” and Alentejo, down to a coastline with beach-dune systems, cliffs and estuaries of ecological value. Field trips such as to the Serra da Estrela, the Alentejan and Algarve coasts, the Cape Vert – Fogo island, the Azores and Madeira islands, etc. will be proposed around the conference dates and the usual opportunity will be offered to young geomorphologists to participate in a one-week intensive training course associated with the conference. Please find, here, in the PDF copy of the announcement the preliminary list of sessions and fieldtrips.

We look forward to providing a warm welcome to the geomorphological community in Coimbra…!

First Circular for the Regional Conference on Geomophology, Mashhad, Iran 26-28 Oct 2020

We’re pleased to announce the first circular for the Regional Conference on Geomophology, which will be held in Mashhad, Iran on 26-28 October 2020. The circular, here, contains preliminary information on the programme, fieldtrips and sessions. Important dates:

Call for abstracts & opening of registration: 10 December 2019
Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2020

Grants awarded to Young Geomorphologists for RCG2019 Athens Sept 2019

The International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG) has awarded 8 grants to Young Geomorphologists to take part in the Regional Conference on Geomorphology to be held in Athens 19-21 September 2019. All of them will take part in the IAG-EGU Intensive Course (22nd – 27th Sept 2019).

The selection for Grants was made by the international committee appointed by the IAG. Grants have been awarded to the following Young Geomorphologists selected among 42 eligible applicants based in 17 different countries:

Bachtiar MUTAQIN Indonesia
Vipin Joseph MARKOSE India
Kapil GHOSH India
Sayantan DAS India

Announcing the Second Workshop of the DENUCHANGE Working Group 12-14 September 2019 Calpe Spain

We are pleased to release the first circular for the Second Workshop of the IAG Working Group DENUCHANGE (Denudation and Environmental Changes in Different Morphoclimatic Zones) will be held 12-14 September 2019 in Calpe, Spain.

All colleagues are encouraged to express their interest in participation by 15 May 2019  to achim.beylich@gmail.com and then will receive all necessary further information on the workshop (binding registration with payment of registration fee and abstract submission, travel information, information on accommodation in Calpe being available for booking) shortly after 15 May 2019.

Full information can be found at the PDF here.

The International Rock Coast 2020 Conference 27-28 August Trieste, Italy

The conference is organized by the IAG Working Group Rock Coasts and AiGEO – Associazione Italiana Geografia Fisica e Geomorfologia. The meeting is intended as a forum to discuss advances in the study of rock coasts and will include a range of presentations relevant to the Conference theme. The organizing committee will review proposed papers and posters titles and abstracts, and, if successful the author(s) will be invited to present their work at the Conference.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: 01 December 2019

Acceptance of abstracts: 20 December 2019

Early registration: 01 December 2019 – 16 July 2020

Regular registration: 25 July 2020 – 14 August 2020

On-site registration: August 2020

Please see their website or facebook for more information.

The 4th International Symposium on Danxia Landform 18-22 August 2019

The IAG Working Group on Red Beds and Danxia Geomorphology is hosing the 4th International Symposium on Danxia Landform (joint with the 19th National Academic Symposium of Red Beds and Danxia Landform Yan’an Tourism Development Conference) from 18-22 August 2019 in Yan’an, Shaanxi, China. All papers (and abstracts) should be submitted to the conference liaison office via e-mail before July 20, 2019 with the maximum length of eight A4 pages (including figures and tables). For further details on the conference please see the first announcement here.

Second Circular for the IAG Regional Conference in Athens 19-21 Sept 2019

We are pleased to announce that the second circular for the IAG’s regional conference in Athens is now available here.

Please visit the dedicated website for more information: https://rcg2019.com/

Key points

Abstract Submission
The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 15th, 2019 – please follow the guidelines here. Abstract Submission Fee (Non Refundable) of 10€ is compulsory for each
abstract submission.

Conference timeline
September 15th – 18th, 2019, Pre-Conference Field Trip, Mykonos & Delos Islands
September 15th – 18th, 2019, Pre-Conference Field Trip, Santorini Island
September 19th – 21st, 2019, IAG’s Regional Conference, Athens
September 19th, 2019, IAG Council Meeting (for delegates of NSM’s)
September 20th, 2019, Social Dinner of the Conference
September 22nd -25th, 2019, Post-Conference Field Trip, Rhodes Island, in the memory of Paolo Pirazzoli
September 22nd -27th, 2019, 2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course: Field Training School

Conference Fees (with/without NSM’s discount)
Early Registration: 250€/300€
Regular Registration: 300€/350€
Late Registration (16th August 2019 onwards): 350€/400€
Students, Honorary Fellows, Retired, National delegates: 180€
Accompanied Person: 100€
Social Dinner: 55€
Field Training School (2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course): 300€


See this page.

8th Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days

The abstract submission is now open for the VIII Italian Young Geomorphologists’ Days supported by the IAG. The meeting will focus on “Sharing experiences on geomorphological research in different morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environments”. It will take place from 26th to 28th June 2019. The meeting comprises 2 days of scientific presentations (26th and 27th June) at the prestigious Sala Napoleonica of the University of Milan, and 1 day (28th June) will be dedicated to the fieldtrip in the Veny Valley (Mont Blanc Massif) focusing on mountain environments dynamics, mapping and monitoring, guided by University of Turin.

All the information will be posted on the AIGeo website:

A copy of the First Announcement can be found here.

For abstract submission, information and any other issues, please contact:  VIII.IYGD.2019@gmail.com

First Circular for the IAG Regional Conference in Athens 19-21 Sept 2019

We are pleased to announce that the first circular for the IAG’s regional conference in Athens is now available here. Please visit the dedicated website for more information: https://rcg2019.com/

Important dates to note:

31/10/2018: Call for abstracts opens
30/04/2019: Abstract Submission will be closed
15/05/2019: Early Bird Registration will be closed
31/07/2019: Regular Registration will be closed on

15-18/09/2019: Pre-Conference Field Trip, Mykonos & Delos Islands
15-18/09/2019: Pre-Conference Field Trip, Santorini Island
19-21/09/2019: IAG’s Regional Conference, Athens
22-25/09/2019: Post-Conference Field Trip, Rhodes Island, in the memory of Paolo Pirazzoli
22-27/09/2019: 2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course: Field Training School

30th National Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists 3-5th October, 2018

Coming soon the 30th National Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) being held in New Delhi 03-05 October, 2018. The focal theme is “Geomorphology, Environment and Society” and the event is organized by Department of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia. Participants are requested to send their abstracts by 15th August, 2018 and after acceptance, full papers for publication in the conference proceedings need to be received by 20th September, 2018.

For more details and link to abstract submission, see here.

Report from the 19th Edition of the Joint Geomorphological Meeting

The IAG granted its auspices for the 19th Edition of the Joint Geomorphological Meeting (Italy, Romania, France, Belgium, Greece), took place in Buzău, Romania May 16-20 entitled “From field mapping and landform analysis to multi-risk assessment:challenges, uncertainties and transdisciplinarity”. Organized by the Institute of Geography (Romanian Academy) and the Faculty of Geography (Univ. of Bucharest) under the auspices of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) and the Geomorphologists Associations from Romania, Italy, France, Belgium and Greece, the Conference gathered together two scientific events with a long history – the 19th Joint Geomorphological Meeting Italy-Romania-France-Belgium-Greece andthe 34th Romanian National Symposium on Geomorphology, dedicated to 50 years of activity of Pătârlagele Natural Hazards Research Center.The Conference attracted 80 participants from 8 countries (Italy, France, Belgium, Greece, Japan, Canada, Poland and Romania), for two days of keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations alternating with two field trips in the Vrancea seismic region (the Curvature sector of the SE Carpathians). The conference aimed to encourage participation from all geomorphology fields, as well as inter- and transdisciplinary research, to provide a high-level but also a comfortable and friendly framework, to promote active discussions and challenging scientific debates. The topic of the conference was outlined by 7 keynote lectures:

  • Emil Sever Georgescu: Seismic landscape of Romania: challenges of a specific paradigm;
  • Monique Fort: Earthquakes impact on geomorphology (landforms and processes) in the Himalayas at different time scales;
  • Takashi Oguchi: Digital elevation models and their applications in geomorphology: historical review and future perspectives;
  • Alessandro Chelli: The activities of AIGeo Working Groups towards a new applied geomorphic map;
  • Olivier Dewitte: Landslide hazard assessment in an urban-sprawling context. A geomorphological approach in Bukavu, DR Congo;
  • Florin Pendea: Transdisciplinary approaches to advancing knowledge of glacio-isostatic rebound in Northern Canada;
  • Konstantinos Vouvalidis: Hydromorphological assessment of suburban torrents for flood protection: the flood event of West Attica, Greece).

In addition, 23 oral plenary presentations brought into discussions issues like tectonic jointing/control on large landslides occurrence/evolution, seismic landslides, the use of dendrochronology in the study of shallow and deep-seated slides or debris flows, glaciated karst, permafrost distribution modelling, improved landslide scarp detection, geoarchaeology and anthropogenic geomorphology, flood risk and reservoir siltation, anthropogenic subsidence,paleogeographic transformations, medium-term morphodynamics, natural variability and human influence in the evolution of deltas, variability in sediment budgets at river mouths, zoogeomorphic impact of animals in alpine environments or the use of multi-temporal satellite interferometry in landslide detection and monitoring, found their position in the multi-hazard paradigm. During a 3-hours long session, including 2-minute madness presentations, 25 posters with the following topics were intensely debated: fluvial multi-temporal evolution and risks (from fluvial terrace formation and channel forming and discharge to financial losses); snow avalanche susceptibility mapping; paleo-reconstruction of floodplains; coastal evolution patterns and nearshore sandbars positioning; mountain climate variability and its influence on permafrost and frost weathering; geomorphological assessments of major landslides and their role in relief evolution; neuro-fuzzy systems and neural network technology for drainage sub-basins classification and slope erosion by runoff analysis; changing Alpine glacier forelands; hillslope – river channel coupling, etc.

Two field trips were organized on Friday 18th May and Sunday 20th May, which provided a detailed image of the multi-hazard hotspot of Buzău Carpathians and Subcarpathians, on the conceptual framework of single-to-multi-hazard assessment and on the inter- and transdisciplinarity characteristics of geomorphology within a multi-risk approach. A multi-hazard hotspot of Europe, Vrancea seismic region is offering the perfect framework for observing, discussing and evaluating a multi-risk environment, where forms and processes, alongside prediction, modelling and validation of single and multi hazards are fitting perfectly within an extremely complex yet challenging system of approaches. The field trips were focused on high magnitude-low frequency landslides (deep seated, mainly dormant, with large reactivation potential) and their climatic and seismic triggers. Aspects concerning deepfocal seismicity, litho-structural conditioning, active and blind faults were also discussed. The human impact on the environment was emphasized through case-studies like road and reservoir construction. Morphodynamic mapping, landslide susceptibility and hazard scenarios,numerical and statistical models were detailed through field examples.

Following the active discussions held during both lectures and field trips, we are positive
that the conference opened new research ideas and collaboration initiatives. The 20th edition of the Joint Geomorphological Meeting will take place in Greece, organized by the Hellenic Committee for Geomorphology and Environment.

1st Workshop of the IAG/AIG Working Group DENUCHANGE: Denudation and Environmental Changes in Different Morphoclimatic Zones

We’re pleased to announce the first Workshop of the IAG/AIG Working Group DENUCHANGE: Denudation and Environmental Changes in Different Morphoclimatic Zones to be held in Storkowo-Szczecinek (Poland), September 25-27, 2018 and will include fieldtrips. Please find more information here and please register you interest by 31 May using the form here.

Inaugural meeting of IGU-IAG Joint Commission/Working Group on Anthropocene Geomorphology

Reminder of the Inaugural meeting of IGU-IAG Joint Commission/Working Group on: Anthropocene Geomorphology: Geo-archaeology, Geomorphology and Society

Date: 7-8 April 2018 (before EGU)

Venue: Vienna University, Department of Geography, Universitätsstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna


  1. to kick off the activities of the new commission;
  2. to address the importance to society
  3. to plan activities for the next four years

If you are interested to join the meeting and/or the IGU-IAG joint commission/working group, contact Prof. Jiun-Chuan Lin (jclin@ntu.edu.tw) and Margreth Keiler (margreth.keiler@giub.unibe.ch). We will accept 30-40 participants to join the meeting.

Program of the meeting:

Workshop on Saturday April 7th 2018


9:00-9:15 Welcome and Introduction to the meeting
9:15- 10:30 Block 1: 5 min input of each participant (max. 1 slide) to following questions (we will take notes)

·       What are your main research topics in the context of geomorphology and society?

·       Why are you interested to contribute to the joint IGU/IAG commission on …?

10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-12:15 Block 2:  5 min input of each participant
12:15-12:30 Summary of expertise and interests to contribute to IGU/IAG commission – Short discussion
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:40 World Café Discussion:

·       Introduction and aims to/of world café discussion (10 min)

·       Which are the main topics we would like to have addressed and focused on in the joint commission à aims (15 min)

·       How can we cooperate within the joint commission to reach the different aims (15 min)

·       What should be the output of the joint commission after four years? How can we disseminate the results (15 min)

·       Preparation of poster answering the three questions (15 min)

14:40 -15:00 Short coffee break
15:00-15:45 5-7 min presentation of the results by different groups
15:45-16:30 Overall discussion and summary of different results
16:30-17:00 Discussion next steps
19:00- ·       Conference dinner


Field trip on Sunday April 8th 2018

  • Topics are general introduction to geological and geomorphological setting, human-nature interactions (agriculture, settlement development), floods, fluvial terraces and valley development.During the field trip we will first use public transport to the foothills of the Vienna forest (overview of Vienna and beyond), walk downhill towards the city to the Danube River, and take public transport to further stops.



  1. Participants should register for this meeting and prepare their presentation in one ppt slide (5 minutes talk max.)
  2. Registration is free. However participants need to arrange their own accommodation and lunch during workshop.
  3. There is a dinner on 7 April, please book with the registration form if you are available to join.

8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks September 8 th -14 th, 2018 – Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino

IAG are pleased to announce the 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks to be held September 8 th -14 th, 2018 at Adamello Brenta Geopark, Trentino.

The programme includes talks, posters and fieldtrips. The abstract deadline is 15th April 2018 and more information can be found here: https://www.campigliodolomiti.it/ggn2018

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